ICRA '94: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 1994 May 8-13, 1994 Princess Resort, San Diego, CA The theme of the conference is "Robotics and Automation in the Service of Humankind" Paper submission deadline: October 1, 1993 Six copies of each paper should be sent by October 1, 1993 to Harry E. Stephanou, ICRA Program Chair New York State Center for Advanced Technology in Automation and Robotics Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy, NY 12180-3590 Tel: 518-276-8652 FAX: 518-276-4897 e-mail: hes@cat.rpi.edu (Print in IEEE format, 6 page limit) Final format, 2 colums on 8.5 by 11 sheets. 3 1/4 in columns, 8 7/8 total height per page, 3/8 in gutter between columns. 13/16 margins on each side, 1 1/16 margins top and bottom. 10 pt Times Roman with 12pt interline spacing. Include a separate sheet with 1. name, fax number & e-mail of corresponding author 2. abstract 3. a brief paragraph summarizing the contributions of the paper and its potential applications. Notification of acceptance will be by Jan 14, 1994; final camera ready version will be due Feb 15. The general chair is: William A. Gruver School of Engineering Science Simon Fraser University Burnaby BC Canada V5A 1S6 e-mail: gruver@sfu.ca FAX: 604-291-4951. For more information and registration materials: 1994 IEEE Int'l Conf. Robotics & Automation Attn: Harry Hayman PO Box 3216 Silver Spring MD 20918 FAX: 301-942-1147.