Newsgroups: sci.math.symbolic Subject: mma.src Summary: Programs that simulate Mathematica are available. Expires: References: Sender: Richard Fateman Reply-To: fateman@peoplesparc.Berkeley.EDU (Richard Fateman) Followup-To: Distribution: Organization: UCB CS Keywords: mathematica Common Lisp Faithful readers of this list may be aware of this program, but it's gotten somewhat more capable, and can now be FTP'd from here. Here's an example of what it can do: ...... (tl) In[1] := Timing[RatExpand[(x+y)^4]] 4 3 2 2 3 4 Out[1] = {0.0 Second, x + 4 x y + 6 x y + 4 x y + y } In[2] := Timing[RatExpand[(x+y+z)^15];done] Out[2] = {0.23300001 Second, done} In[3] := D[ArcTanh[x]^2,x] 2 ArcTanh[x] Out[3] = ------------ 2 1 - x In[4] := Int[%,x] 2 Out[4] = (ArcTanh[x]) In[5] := Int[x^n,x] n Out[5] = integrate[x , x] In[6] := integrate[y_^m_,y_]:= (y^(m+1)-1)/(m+1) In[7] := Int[x^n,x] 1 + n -1 + x Out[7] = ----------- 1 + n In[8] := Exit Exited to Lisp t .... That line [2] seems to be rather faster than Mathematica on the same machine. The lines 3-7 illustrate the primitive "derivative-divides" integration package, and the possibility of enhancing it by pattern matching. .... To reconstruct this on your unix system (I'm using Allegro Common Lisp, and it should work on any hardware supporting it; it should also work in other Common Lisps), do the following: cd someplace with room for a few 100k bytes type: ftp peoplesparc.Berkeley.EDU or anonymous %%response to name prompt your name %%response to password prompt image %% or maybe, for some ftp systems, binary rather than image cd pub get mma_1.5.tar.Z quit %%now you're out of ftp uncompress mma_1.5.tar.Z tar xvf mma_1.5.tar %% you are now the proud possessor of the files %% you should probably try to compile them. ....... If you get a copy, I would appreciate e-mail (to fateman@cs.berkeley.EDU) advising me of that fact, so I can keep you up on new features or improvements. Of course I'd like to know of any problems or successes you have. On the other hand, I can't promise to fix any particular problems, and there is no warranty. If you are interested in enhancing the behavior of this system for use by others, please tell me. Important note: This program is a rough shell that has only rudimentary (but fast) parsing, display, numeric evaluation, polynomial/ rational simplification, integration, and some pattern matching. It is not a substitute for Mathematica (r), Maple (r), etc. generally, and is not intended to compete with such commercial systems. This system can be used for experimentation ... e.g. insert an entirely different evaluation strategy or an entirely different numeric system, and re-run your "Mathematica(r) source code" through it. Or hook it up to your favorite other semantics for solve, integrate, etc. (e.g. JACAL, Reduce, Macsyma, Maple, ...). It is difficult or impossible to do these experiments with the commercial Mathematica. Considering WRI's recent legal note, perhaps they want to make it illegal to do these experiments with any other system that can read Mathematica source code. Richard J. Fateman 510 642-1879