CMU Artificial Intelligence Repository
Queue Search: Queue-based implementation of generic search.
Queue-based implementation of a generic framework for search. It is
intended as a pedagological tool for teaching students about the
variety of forms of search as discussed in the AI literature,
including depth-first search, hill climbing search, breadth-first
search, beam search, best-first search, branch and bound, branch and
bound with underestimates, and A* search.
When learning about some types of search commonly used in AI systems,
it often helps to think in terms of a queue of nodes to be searched.
Given a function which tests for the goal node, a function which finds
the node's children, a function which dequeues a node for testing, and
a function which merges the children into the queue, one can implement
a wide variety of search functions. Comparing the functions used can
help the student understand the difference between the various types
of search.
Version: 7-AUG-90
Requires: Common Lisp
Ports: Fully portable.
Copying: Public domain.
CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1
Author(s): Mark Kantrowitz
A* Search, Authors!Kantrowitz, Beam Search,
Best-First Search, Branch and Bound Search,
Breadth-First Search, CMU, Depth-First Search,
Hill Climbing Search, Lisp!Search, Public Domain, Queues,
References: ?
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:30:40 1995