Reference-Counting Lisp (RefLisp) USER'S REFERENCE MANUAL and DOCUMENTATION Version 2.67 27 Feb 1993 Copyright (c) 1989,1990,1991,1992 Peter William Birch All rights Reserved. 23 Marlins Turn, Gadebridge, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 3LQ, Great Britian Tel: +44 442 230 654 Internet: Table of Contents 0 COPYRIGHT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 LEXICAL AND SYNTACTIC CONVENTIONS 3 THE TOP LEVEL 3.1 Installing RefLisp on MS-DOS 3.2 Starting RefLisp 3.3 RefLisp Execution 3.4 Scope and Extent 4 LIST PROCESSING FUNCTIONS 5 SYMBOL FUNCTIONS 6 CONTROL FUNCTIONS 7 EVALUATION FUNCTIONS 8 PREDICATE FUNCTIONS 9 MATHEMATICAL FUNCTIONS 10 RELATIONAL FUNCTIONS 11 PROPERTY LISTS 12 INPUT/OUTPUT FUNCTIONS 12.1 File I/O 12.2 Graphics Functions 12.3 ATARI-ST Specific I/O 12.3.1 MIDI I/O 13 DEBUGGING FUNCTIONS 14 HISTORY & DESIGN NOTES 15 MEMORY MANAGEMENT 16 THE SOURCE CODE 16.1 List of Files 16.2 Portability 16.3 Metrics 16.4 List of Example Programs 17 BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDIX A ROUND TOITS APPENDIX B UPDATES APPENDIX C BUGS 0 COPYRIGHT You may copy RefLisp, and this manual provided that: 1) Neither the manual or the program are modified in any way. 2) Both the manual and the program are copied together. 3) If you find a bug in this program, please notify the author so that it can be fixed in subsequent releases. 1 INTRODUCTION RefLisp is a portable Lisp interpreter written in 'C.' Reflisp is designed to investigate reference counting garbage collection, and as a useful tool for software development. It can be used as a base for writing portable programs. It is in the public domain for people to learn Lisp, and to answer the question "Reference counting is slow, but HOW slow?". RefLisp exists in MS-DOS, UNIX and ATARI-ST versions, the MS-DOS version is the base version, from which others are ported. Programs written for RefLisp can be ported to Standard Lisp or Common Lisp. The interpreter is built according to Standard Lisp principles. It also parses the Common Lisp quoting syntax, and Common Lisp functions are provided in Lisp. Future versions will migrate towards inbuilt Common Lisp, with Standard Lisp as Lisp source. This manual is written you have assuming some familiarity with Lisp. If you are learning Lisp, read one of the excellent tutorials mentioned in the Bibliography. This manual contains a description of the functions of the RefLisp interpreter grouped in subject headings. Beginners should try out every function in turn to get a feel for them. The rest of the document contains sections on design and other issues. The interpreter is supplied with a number of demonstration programs which can be run by starting RefLisp with DEMOS.LSP as a command parameter: C:\>REFLISP DEMOS.LSP ; MS-DOS $ reflisp demos.lsp ; UNIX 2 LEXICAL AND SYNTACTIC CONVENTIONS The parser of the interpreter uses the (read) function to parse in the next s-expression to evaluate. Thus the syntax described here is essentially that of (read). The syntax of RefLisp follows Common Lisp. The special characters recognised are: ( -- beginning of a list, or cons cell. ) -- end of a list, or cons cell . -- separates the car and cdr halves of a cell. ' -- quote character ` -- backquote character , -- comma function ,@ -- comma-at function #' -- function character #! -- first user reader macro. #? -- second user reader macro. " -- start and end of strings \ -- escape char for within strings (not Common Lisp) ; -- starts a comment \ -- escape for the next character in symbols. -0123456789 -- start an integer Whitespace characters are recognised as the separator between lexical tokens. A more formal description of the s-expression syntax might be: An can be an or a s can be: nil ; nil is an atom positive or negative integers eg: 545, -23 floating point numbers eg: 13.4, -33.7, 12.4E8, 23.4e-2 unlimited length character strings delimited by "s with special characters in strings: "\n" = newline "\e" = escape "\t" = tab "\r" = carriage return "\f" = form feed "\\" = \ "\"" = " "\c" = c where c is any other charater. symbols - symbol names may include any character preceded by the \ character. eg. A\(strange\.symbol - alphabetic characters are all converted to lower case in the interpreter. Thus FOOBAR and foobar are the same. - constants - special symbols whose value cannot be changed with set, and which are never garbage collected. s can be either: nil ; the null list () ; the null list which equals nil ( . ) ; a cons cell ( etc.... ) ; which is the same as ( . ( . ( etc.. . nil )))) An s-expression preceded by the ' single quote character is expanded by (read) to be quoted: ' ==> (quote ) Other characters have this effect also: ` ==> (backquote ) , ==> (comma ) ,@ ==> (comma-at ) #' ==> (function ) [The notation "==>" means "evaluates to".] These functions are defined in the initialisation file and are intended to provide compatibility with Common Lisp. #! ==> (quser1 ) #? ==> (quser2 ) These quote characters intended to be user-definable. 3 THE TOP LEVEL 3.1 Installing RefLisp on MS-DOS Assuming you have a full release disk, make a directory and copy the files on the release disk to it. (For example directory C:\BILL\LISP Add an entry in your PATH environment variable pointing to the directory. Set up the environment variable LISPINIT to point to the initialisation file. Include these lines in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file if you intend to use the program frequently. For example use: PATH C:\BILL\LISP;%PATH% SET LISPINIT=C:\BILL\LISP\INIT.LSP To run the demonstrations, change into the RefLisp directory and type the following into the DOS prompt: REFLISP DEMOS.LSP 3.2 Starting RefLisp On your operating system, there will be a command or mouse-clicking operation which will get the program started. For MS-DOS the command is: C:\>REFLISP [arg ...] and on UNIX: reflisp [arg ...] If the program does not start on ATARI machines it probably means there is not enough memory. Once started, the program accumulates the command line parameters in a list in symbol ARGV. The program then reads and executes the initialisation file file. This filename is taken from the environment variable "LISPINIT". If the environment variable is missing RefLisp attempts to read "init.lsp" in the current directory. You should set up your environment variables to point to your initialisation file. On MS-DOS: C:> SET LISPINIT=C:\BILL\LISP\INIT.LSP The shipped initialisation file then processes the command line parameters. Each is taken to be the name of a file to be read and executed. It processes each file in turn, skipping files it cannot open. You may prefer to use the command line arguments in a different way, if so you must alter your LISPINIT file. 3.3 RefLisp Execution This section describes what happens after you invoke Lisp. After the initialisation messages you will be presented with a > prompt: C:\> REFLISP ; reading C:\bill\lisp\init.lsp ; ... some messages ... 1082> The prompt is the number of cons cells in use by your program followed by >. This number will increase and decrease as you work, as cells are used and replaced in the free pool. If it reaches the maximum available on the machine you may be able to continue by reclaiming some memory manually. (see Memory Management below.) Expressions are read in at the prompt, evaluated and the result being displayed on the terminal. The prompt is re-displayed after an evaluation. To halt execution type (exit). Also the interpreter returns control to the operating system when it sees end-of-file (or the *eof* symbol). The character used to signify this varies from one system to another, on MS-DOS and the ATARI-ST it is Control-Z. The operation of the interpreter is a read-eval-print loop. Its operation is the same as (eval ) and is as follows: Atoms which are not symbols such as: integer, float, string, subrs, fsubr, stream. evaluate to themselves. eg > 12 12 Symbols are tested to see if they have a value, in which case that is returned. e.g. > year 93 If a symbol has no bound value then an error is reported and processing stops. Some symbols are regarded as constants, and should not be changed. They usually evaluate to themselves, or a string constant. Important constants are: nil, t, pname, unbound, *eof* If the expression is a list, the first element of the list is evaluated until an atom or list is derived. If an atom is derived and it is a SUBR, the rest of the elements of the list are evaluated, [these are the actual arguments]. Then they are passed to the machine code pointed to by the SUBR CELL. e.g. (cons 2 3) ==> ( 2 3) ==> (2 . 3) If a FSUBR is derived, the actual arguments are not evaluated before application of the subroutine. e.g. (quote foobar) ==> ( foobar) ==> foobar In the case where the first element evalutes to a list, and the first element of THAT list is "lambda", "macro" or "lambdaq", this is taken to be a function call. The processing used is identical to that of (apply). If "lambda" is found, the actual arguments are evaluated. The function's parameter symbols are then (set) to these values, each one in turn. The previous values of the function parameter symbols are saved. e.g. > ((lambda first (x) (car x)) (list 1 2 3 4)) 1 If "lambdaq" is found, the actual arguments are not evaluated. > ((lambdaq first (x) (car x)) (list 1 2 3 4)) list If "macro" is found, the actual arguments are not evaluated, as for lambdaq, however the result of the apply is evaluated again. e.g. > ((macro first (x) `(car ,x)) '(1 2 3 4)) 1 If there are too many or two few arguments passed to the function, so they do not match the function parameters, then an error is reported. If a formal parameter is the special symbol &rest, then all remaining actual parameters are set to the formal parameter following the &rest. For example: > ((lambda (a &rest b) (list a b)) 1 2 3 4 5 6) (1 (2 3 4 5 6)) If a formal parameter is the symbol &optional, then any missing actual arguments are set to NIL. For example: > ((lambda (a &optional b) (list a b)) 99) (99 nil) If an optional parameter is expressed as a list of the form ( ) then the is evaluated and used when no actual parameter is supplied. > ((lambda (a &optional (b 27)) (list a b)) 99) (99 27) The symbols &rest and &optional may be used in combination. For example: > ((lambda (a &optional b &rest c) (list a b c)) 99) (99 nil nil) In all cases the body of the function is then evaluated with the new bindings. The value of this evaluation is then returned. After execution of the function, the previous values of the symbols used as parameters are restored. 3.4 Scope and Extent Reflisp is a "shallow" binding interpreter and as such it has no environments. The function arguments therefore have dynamic extent and global scope. This means that the formal parameters of a lambda-list are the same symbols available at the top level, and are effectively globals. It also means that when a function is applied, the formal arguments are shadowed, and are removed when the function finishes. In it's basic form then, the interpreter suffers from the "funarg" problem. The #' reader macro is provided to allow (function) to be defined in Lisp. Lexical scope may be added to programs by re-defining DEFUN with a version that re-writes the formal arguments of defined functions. This facility is available in the file "lexical.lsp". Functions loaded after "lexical.lsp" will have lexical scope and dynamic extent. Adding both lexical scope and indefinite extent can be achieved by deferring the re-writing of functions until evaluation time. This facility is implemented in the file "extent.lsp" which provides an another alernative version of DEFUN. Programs will run significantly slower if they use indefinite extent. Some Common Lisp functions require indefinite extent scope to run correctly, usually those that implement objects with local state. The file "scheme.lsp" provides "define" conforming to Scheme syntax which also has indefinite extent. 4 LIST PROCESSING FUNCTIONS The following sections describe the inbuilt functions provided in the interpreter. (car ) Returns the first element of the list , or more strictly, the A side of the cons cell. example: (car '(1 2 3 4)) ==> 1 (car '()) ==> nil (cdr ) Returns everything except the first element of example: (cdr '(1 2 3 4)) ==> (2 3 4) (cdr '()) ==> nil (cadr ) Returns the second element of example: (cadr '(1 2 3 4)) ==> 2 (caddr ) Returns the third element of example: (caddr '(1 2 3 4)) ==> 3 (nth ) Returns the nth element of , numbering from zero. It returns NIL if is greater than the length of the list. example: (nth 3 '(0 1 2 3 4)) ==> 3 (cons ) Returns a new cons cell with and as its car and cdr. examples: (cons 1 2) ==> (1 . 2) (cons 1 nil) ==> (1) ==> (1 . nil) (cons 1 '(8 9)) ==> (1 8 9) (length ) Returns the number of elements in the list, or the number of characters in a string or symbol name. examples: (length nil) ==> 0 (length '(1 2 3 4)) ==> 4 (length "foobar") ==> 6 (length (symbol-name 'fred)) ==> 4 (member ) Returns a sublist if is a member of the list, nil otherwise. (equal) is used to compare the elements. Definition: (de member (expr list) (cond ((null list) nil) ((equal expr (car list)) list) (t (member expr (cdr list))))) Examples: (member '23 '(a s d f)) ==> nil (member '23 '(a b c 23 d)) ==> (23 d) (append &rest ) Appends one or more lists together, examples: (append '(1 3) '(3 4) ==> (1 2 3 4) (append '(1 2) '(3 4) '(5 6) ==> (1 2 3 4 5 6) (reverse ) Reverses the top level of a list. example: (reverse '(1 2 3 4)) ==> (4 3 2 1) (move ) This function destructively modifies the to-cell by copying the contents of from-cell into it. It attempts to discard the cells pointed to by to-cell before the operation if it was a cons cell. It checks to see if a circular structure would result from the operation. It is an error to create circular structures, because the reference counting garbage collector cannot handle them. Examples: > (de rplaca (to from) ; define RPLACA (move to (cons from (cdr to))) > (setq A '(1 . 2)) ; initialise a cell > (setq B A) > (rplaca A 99) ; overwrite it > B (99 . 2) 5 SYMBOL FUNCTIONS The value of an symbol is *unbound* if none of these functions below have given it a value. If you (set) or (setq) a symbol to *unbound*, the cells used in the previous value are reclaimed if possible. (set ) Assigns the free the specified. Returns the value. must be an identifier. Examples: (set 'x 21) ==> 21 x ==> 21 (symbol-value ) Returns the current value of the symbol. An error occurs if the symbol has no value. Example: (set 'foobar 21) (symbol-value 'foobar) ==> 21 (setq ) Performs the same as (set) however is not evaluated. This the usual assignment function in Lisp. Example: (setq x 89) ==> 89 x ==> 89 (defconstant is changed into a constant. After which time the symbol us unchangeable. (intern ) Creates a new symbol, with a printname of . The symbol is added to the symbol table, and can be found by (read). If the symbol was already present it is returned. This function is equivalent to (addsym). Example: > (set (intern "foobar") 23) 23 foobar 23 (gensym) Creates a unique new symbol, with a printname of G, where is a unique number. The symbol is NOT added to the symbol table, it is inaccessible to (read). eg: >(gensym) G123 (outsym &optional ) This creates and interns a symbol with a print name of even if a symbol with that name is already present. The optional is used to derive the number of the hash bucket where the symbol is stored. If is absent, is used which is the default. The symbol is returned. Note: RefLisp is different from Common Lisp which only allows symbols to have string print names. (addsym &optional ) This looks for a symbol with a name equal to , using (rdpsym). If none is found it adds it. The optional is used to derive the number of the hash bucket where the symbol is looked for and stored. If is absent, is used which is the default. (read) uses (addsym) with no proforma. The symbol is returned. If this operation duplicates an existing symbol, (read) will use the newest one. (rdpsym &optional ) This looks for a symbol with a name equal to , if none is found it returns nil. The optional is used to derive the number of the hash bucket which is searched. If is absent, is used by default. In addition, if the proforma contains the wildcard * symbol, then (rdpsym) matches on the symbol name. The symbol found is returned, otherwise nil. Definition of the matching used: (de match (mask y) (cond ((equal mask '*) t) ((equal mask y) t) (t (cond ((and (consp mask) (consp y)) (and (match (car mask) (car y)) (match (cdr mask) (cdr y)))) (t nil))))) Example: > (or > (setq person '(name * age *)) ; create a proforma (outsym '(name (john doe) age 23) person) ; and an instance (rdpsym * person)) ; look for any person (name (john doe) age 23) ; found John Doe! This function can be used in conjunction with one of the user defined quote charaters to achieve a usable syntax: > (de quser2 (name) (eval (rdpsym name))) quser2 (setq w 2) 2 #?w ; (rdpsym "w") ==> 'w 2 ;; make a new symbol (set (addsym '(matrix 12 34)) 123.3) 123.3 #?(matrix 12 34) ; access it 123.3 ;; or if (quser1) is defined like (backquote): #!(matrix ,x-cood ,y-coord ) ; x-coord is a symbol (inpsym &optional ) This looks for a symbol using (rdpsym), if one is found, it is removed from the symbol table, and an attempt is made to garbage collect it. If a symbol is found, its print name is returned. (defun .... ) This macro is equivalent to: (setq '(lambda .....)) and is used to declare new functions. Functions declared with (defun) will have all their arguments evaluated prior to being executed. (defun) is a macro. can be either an atomic symbol or a list of symbols. In the first case all arguments are passed as a list in the single parameter, otherwise the actual arguments are placed in the corresponding symbol values using (set). The &optional and &rest flags can also be used. The symbol is returned. Examples: (defun foo (&rest args) (length args)) ==> foo (foo 1 2 3 4) ==> 4 (defun bar (arg1 arg2) (cons arg1 arg2))==>bar (bar 'a 'b) ==> (a . b) (df .... ) This macro is equivalent to: (setq '(lambdaq .....)) and is used to declare new functions. Functions declared with (df) do not have their arguments evaluated prior to being executed.(df) is a macro. can be either an atomic symbol or a list of symbols. In the first case all arguments are put into with (set), otherwise the actual arguments are placed in the corresponding symbol values using (set). The symbol is returned. Examples: (df foo (&rest args) args) ==> foo (foo a b c d) ==> (a b c d) (df if (c true false) (cond ((eval c) true) (t false))) ==> if (if (zerop 9) (cons 1 2) (cons 3 4)) ==> (cons 3 4) (defmacro .... ) This macro is equivalent to: (setq '(macro .....)) and is used to declare macros. Functions declared with (defmacro) do not have their arguments evaluated prior to being executed. A macro is evaluated like a (df) function, with the result receiving an additional evaluation. The symbol is returned. Examples: (defmacro if (c true false) (cond ((eval c) true) (t false))) ==> if (if (zerop 9) (cons 1 2) (cons 3 4)) ==> (3 . 4) (defmacro amacro (&rest args) args) (amacro cons 1 2 ) ==> (1 . 2) (oblist) Returns a list of all the symbols in the symbol table, in hashed order, whether bound or not. 6 CONTROL FUNCTIONS (cond ( .....) ( .....) ....) This is the main conditional control structure in Lisp. The predicates are evaluated in turn until one is found that returns a non-nil value. Then each of the expressions following are evaluated in turn. The value returned from the (cond) is the value of the final expression. If no evaluates to non-nil then the value of the (cond) is nil. Likewise a null list renders nil. (do-while .....) The is evaluated, if it is not nil, the list is evaluated, each in turn. This process is repeated until the becomes nil. The last evaluated is returned, or nil. (do-until ( ... ) .....) The is evaluated, if it is nil, the list is evaluated, each in turn. This process is repeated until the becomes non-nil. Then the forms are evaluated, the value of the is returned. If no are present NIL is returned. Example: (defun test1 (n) (do-until ((equal n 0) "finished") (print n) (setq n (- n 1)))) (progn .......) This function evaluates each of the expressions in its arguments. The value of the last argument is returned. (error ) [function] The expression is printed, and the interpreter jumps to the top level. This function can be used to jump out of a user program if a severe error is detected. Note that cells will be permanently lost from the free pool in the process. (catch ..... ) First half of no-local goto. The is (set) to the current stack frame. The expressions following are executed and the value of the last expression is returned. (catch) is equivalent to: (set current stack frame) (progn ..... ). You can therfore catch errors by enclosing functions in (catch 'error-tag ...). (throw ) Second half of a non-local goto. The is evaluated, and must result in a stack-frame object set up by a previous, current (throw). The is evaluated, and execution then jumps to the last (throw) with the . The (throw) returns with . (throw 'error-tag <>) is a way of signalling a user error. Implementation note: catch and throw are implemented with the C setjmp() and longjmp() functions. Therefore, references to cells on the stack cannot be garbage-collected, and (throw) will "leak" memory. Use (catch) and (throw) to catch user errors or for circumstances that are infrequent. Example: ; function to calculate Square-root safely. (defun my-sqrt (x) (cond ((< x 0) (throw 'math-error "whoops!")) (t (exp (/ (log x) 2))))) (catch 'math-error (print 1) (my-sqrt -22) (print 2)) ; When executed this prints: 1 "whoops!" 7 EVALUATION FUNCTIONS (eval ) The is evaluated, given that may have been evaluated before (eval) was called, this would make the second evaluation of . Since shallow binding is used in the interpreter, the current bindings are used. Examples: (eval '(cons 1 2)) ==> (1 . 2) (eval ''x) ==> x (setq ex '(* 2 3)) (eval ex) ==> 6 (apply ) The is applied to the argument list . must be a SUBR or FSUBRP or a lambda expression, and must be a list of arguments as required by the being invoked. Examples: (apply 'cons '(1 2)) ==> (1 . 2) (apply '(lambda x (cons x x) '(3)) ==> ((3) 3) (quote ) The is returned un-evaluated. (quote) could be written as: (df quote (x) x) The parser in (read) turns ' into (quote ) when it reads expressions. Examples: (quote w) ==> w 'w ==> w (backquote ) The back-quote function provides an easy way to write macros. The (comma) and (comma-at) markers are also supported. The description of the backquote mechanism is rather complex, suffice it to say that it behaves like (quote) with the addition that any expressions enclosed by the (comma) are evaluated, and those enclosed by (comma-at) are evaluated and spliced into the result. Note that (read) expands ` , and ,@ to (backquote) (comma) and (comma-at). Examples: `(foo ,(* 2 3)) ; evaluates to (foo 6) `(bar ,@(list 3 4)) ; ==> (bar 3 4) ;; example of backquote used to define a macro: ;; (defmacro if (condition true-exp false-exp) `(cond (,condition ,true-exp) (t ,false-exp))) (if (equal 1 2) 'equal 'not-equal) ; ==> 'not-equal ;; And used to define a macro with variable arguments. (defmacro toto (&rest x) `(cons ,@x)) (toto 1 2) ; ==> (1 . 2) 8 PREDICATE FUNCTIONS (atom ) Returns nil if is a list, else t. (consp ) Returns t if is a list, else nil. (null ) Returns t if is nil, else it returns nil. (symbolp ) Returns t if is an symbol, else nil. Example: (symbolp 'car) ==> t (symbolp car) ==> nil ; because car evaluates to a SUBRP (stringp ) Returns t if is a string, else nil. Example: (stringp "car") ==> t (stringp 'car) ==> nil (eq ) Returns t if the two expressions point to the same object in memory. Examples: (eq 'foo 'foo) ==> t (eq "foo" "foo") ==> nil (eq 1 1) ==> nil (equal ) Returns t if the two expressions are equivalent, irrespective of their location in memory. This is safer than (eq). Examples: (eq 'foo 'foo) ==> t (eq "foo" "foo") ==> t (eq 1 1) ==> t (boundp ) Returns nil if is an symbol with no assigned value. Useful for testing a symbol's value without provoking an error. Examples: (boundp x) ==> nil (setq x 1) (boundp x) ==> t (integerp ) Returns t if is an integer, else nil. Examples: (fixp 32) ==> t (fixp 32.8) ==> nil (floatp ) Returns t if is a floating point number , else nil. Examples: (floatp 32.3) ==> t (floatp 2) ==> nil (numberp ) Returns t if is a number (float or integer), else nil. Examples: (numberp 32) ==> t (numberp 3.2) ==> t (numberp "32") ==> nil 9 MATHEMATICAL FUNCTIONS Mathematical functions may convert their arguments from integer types to floats before evaluation. (+ ..... ) Returns the sum of a list of integer arguments. Non- integer arguments provoke an error message. (- &optional ) Returns - . If is absent it returns -1 * . Non-numeric arguments provoke an error message. (* ..... ) Returns the product of a list of numeric arguments. May float if necesary. Non-integer arguments provoke an error message. (/ &optional ) Returns divided by . If is absent it returns 1/. Non-numeric arguments provoke an error message. A float will be returned if is not divisible by . (rem ) Returns the remainder when is divided by . Non-integer arguments provoke an error message. (floor ) Converts its argument by truncating towards negative infinity. i.e. the result is is the largest integer that is not larger than the . A integer data type is always returned. (abs ) Returns the absolute value of . (random ) Returns a pseudo-random number between 0 and . (seed ) Sets the starting point of the random number generator sequence. The (rand) called directly after (seed) will always generate the same sequence for the same seed. (Not Common Lisp). (hash ) Computes an hash index on the input, returning an integer. This is used by (addsym) etc to calculate the hash bucket to use for symbols. [The function may change from one version to the next.] (float ) Returns float equivalent of its argument. (log ) Returns natural logarithm of argument. (log10 ) Returns log to base 10 of argument. (exp ) Returns e raised to the power of argument. (sin ) Returns trigonometric sine of which is in radians.. (cos ) Returns trigonometric cosine of which is in radians.. (arc-sin ) Returns trigonometric inverse sine of which is between 0 and 1, returns radians. (arc-cos ) Returns trigonometric inverse cosine of which is between 0 and 1, returns radians. 10 RELATIONAL FUNCTIONS (and .... ) [Macro] Evaluates each expression in turn until one is found that has a value of nil, in which case nil is returned. The remaining expressions are not evaluated. If none are nil then t is returned. (or .... ) Evaluates each expression in turn until one is found that has a value of t, in which case t is returned. The remainder are not evaluated. If none are t then nil is returned. (> ) Returns t if is greater than , else nil is returned. Numeric arguments only. (< ) Returns t if is less than , else nil is returned. Numeric arguments only. (string< ) Returns t if is lexically less than , else nil is returned. A mixture of symbol and string parameters is accepted. Example: (string< 'a 'b) ==> t (string< "b" 'a) == nil 11 PROPERTY LISTS Each symbol, with or without a value has a property list. The properties are stored as an "alist". ie (( . ) ( . ) .........) All symbols have a property which is the text used when the symbol is printed, PNAME. (put ) Sets the symbol's property to the value given. Returns the . Examples: (put 'mary 'age 21) ==> 21 (put 'foobar 'what "first") (get ) Returns the value of the property attached to the symbol. If this property is not attached nil is returned. Examples: (get 'john 'age) ==> 21 (remprop U IND) Removes the property with indicator IND from the property list of U. Returns the removed property or NIL if there was no such indicator. (symbol-name ) Returns a expression (string) containing the name of the symbol. Example: (symbol-name 'fred) ==> "fred" (symbol-plist ) Returns the entire property list of the symbol. Example: > (symbol-plist 'john) (PNAME john age 21) > (symbol-plist (addsym '(plan 9)) (PNAME (plan 9)) (slot ) This facilitates Object-Oriented programming. All RefLisp objects are deemed to belong to a class. To find the class of an object you call (slot) thusly: (slot 'class) When is not an symbol, or if the symbol has no 'class property, the function returns a symbol corresponding to the Lisp basic type, from this list: cons, fixnum, subr, fsubr, string, stream, symbol, float Example: (slot 34.7 'class) ==> float (slot '(1 2) 'class) ==> cons If the object is an symbol the class is assumed to be the value of its 'class property. If it has no 'class property then (slot) returns SYMBOL. If is not equal to 'class then (slot) looks in the object's property list for it. If it cannot find it, then it fetches the class of the object, and looks in the class object's property list, and so on. Example: (put 'mammal 'skin 'fur) ; mammals are furry (put 'cat 'class 'mammal) ; cats are mammals (put 'dog 'class 'mammal) ; so are dogs (put 'felix 'class 'cat) ; felix is a cat ; What is felix's skin like? (slot 'felix 'skin) ==> fur Example: ; Use green for all integers (put 'INTEGER 'color 'green) (slot 35 'color) ==> green (slot 346 'color) ==> green Definition - handling of symbols: IF is a property of the symbol THEN return the value; ie return: (get ) ELSE IF 'class is a property of THEN recursively call slot; ie return: (slot (get 'class) ) ELSE IF is 'class return the value (type-of ) Returns a symbol indicating the type of the object. See (slot). Definition: (defun type-of (o) (slot o 'class)) 12 INPUT/OUTPUT FUNCTIONS 12.1 File I/O (open &key :direction ) Opens the file specified, using the mode specified. can be an symbol or string. is has the following meanings: :input open for reading :output truncate or create for writing If no mode is specified, :input is assumed. (open) returns a stream, otherwise NIL. Examples: (open "C:\\BILL\\LISP\\TEST.LSP" :direction :input) ==> (setq fd (open 'data :direction :output)) ==> (open "test.lsp") (close ) Closes a file opened by (open). must be a stream. Example: (setq fd (open 'data 'input) ==> (close fd) (force-output ) Forces all buffered data to be output on the file specified. must be a file descriptor returned by (open). Example: (setq fd (open 'data 'output) ==> (flush fd) (read &optional ) Read parse the next s-expression from the file specified. must have been returned from (open). If is absent, then the standard input is read. *eof* is returned at the end of file. Example: (read)(hello world) ==> (hello world) (read (open 'file 'input)) ==> eof (load &key :verbose :print) This function opens, reads, parses and evaluates the input file specified, can be a symbol, string or bigstring. If :verbose is t (default), then a comment is printed to standard output. If :print is true, then the results of evaluations are printed to standard output. :print nil is the default. Examples: (load "demos.lsp" :verbose t :print nil) ; The default (load "/usr/mcarthy/eliza" :print t) ; print results. (chdir ) This function changes the current working directory to that specified in . This affects (open) and (directory) which rely on the current working directory, if a relative pathname is used. It returns the current directory before the change was made, or else NIL. MS-DOS Examples: (chdir "C:\\BILL\\LISP") ==> t ; Does not affect current drive. (chdir "..") (directory ) This function returns a list consisting of the names of the files which match the supplied. MS-DOS Example: (directory "c:\\*.bat") ==> (FOO.BAT BAR.BAT) (directory ".") ==> (BILL) ; The current directory ; On MS-DOS, pathname is a string with an optional drive specifier, ; path, and file name of the file to be found. The file name portion ; can contain wildcard match characters (such as ? or *). (princ ) Prints the on the standard output. Strings are not quoted, nor are special characters. Returns . Example: (princ "string") string (princ ''foo) (quote foo) (prin1 &optional ) Prints the on the standard output. Strings are quoted, and some quote forms are reduced. Returns . This function is designed to output in a form suitable to be (read) again. Example: (prin1 "string") "string" (prin1 weird\\symbol) weird\\symbol (prin1 ''foo) 'foo (prin1 ',@bar) ,@bar (write .....) Prints the expressions to the file specified, using (princ). If the first argument is not an returned from (open) an error is reported. (read-char ) Reads the next character from the file specified. The value is returned as an integer less than 256. must have been returned from (open), if absent the standard input is read. *eof* is returned at the end of file. (write-char ) Outputs one character from the file specified. is an integer which will be output. must have been returned from (open), if absent the standard output is used. (atoi ) ASCII to integer transformation. Returns an integer corresponding to the value of the numeric string. Example: (atoi "143") ==> 143 (itoa ) Integer to ASCII convertion. Returns a string with the ASCII representation of the integer. Example: (stringp (itoa 678)) ==> t (ftoa ) Float to ASCII convertion. Returns a string with the ASCII representation of the float. is the number of characters in the output string if the number of decimal places. if is eq to t then the number is padded out with leading zeros. Examples: > (ftoa 50.0 3 0 t) 050 > (stringp (ftoa 678)) t (system ....) This function allows you to call another program from within Lisp. The result depends upon the base operating system. In general it calls execv(). Example: (MS-DOS) (system "C:\BIN\EMACS.EXE" "FOOBAR.LSP") Example: (ATARI-TOS) (system "C:\MEGAMAX\LS.TTP" "*.LSP") Example: (UNIX) (system "emacs" "/usr/bill/lisp/man.txt") (getenv ) This function returns the value of the environment variable named by , or NIL if it is absent. 12.2 Graphics Functions The following functions relate to terminal graphics, available on MS-DOS and ATARI-ST. These are all provided in tgraph.c. A virtual co-ordinate system is used. The bottom left-hand corner is 0,0 and the virtual screen coordinates are roughly 10 times the physical ones. The virual to physical mapping accounts for differences between machines so the RefLisp code is portable. Practically the only thing that can be relied on for ports between machines is line drawing and placing of text. XOR mode is usally available also, but only for lines. Do not rely on (color) being portable. (GraphOpen &optional ) Initialises various parts of the underlying graphics system. Clears the screen. Returns the height and width of the screen in the form: ( . ) The values returned are 6400 and 4800, but don't rely on it! The optional arguments allow MS-DOS users to force a particular graphics mode. If no arguments are given Autodetect is used. graphics_drivers | | Numeric value ------------------------------------------------------ DETECT | 0 (requests autodetection) CGA | 1 MCGA | 2 EGA | 3 EGA64 | 4 EGAMONO | 5 VGA | 9 Graphics| | | Column | | driver | graphics_modes | Value | x row | Palette | Pages ------------------------------------------------------------------ CGA | CGAC0 | 0 | 320 x 200| C0 | 1 | CGAC1 | 1 | 320 x 200| C1 | 1 | CGAC2 | 2 | 320 x 200| C2 | 1 | CGAC3 | 3 | 320 x 200| C3 | 1 | CGAHI | 4 | 640 x 200| 2 color| 1 MCGA | MCGAC0 | 0 | 320 x 200| C0 | 1 | MCGAC1 | 1 | 320 x 200| C1 | 1 | MCGAC2 | 2 | 320 x 200| C2 | 1 | MCGAC3 | 3 | 320 x 200| C3 | 1 | MCGAMED | 4 | 640 x 200| 2 color| 1 | MCGAHI | 5 | 640 x 480| 2 color| 1 EGA | EGALO | 0 | 640 x 200| 16 color| 4 | EGAHI | 1 | 640 x 350| 16 color| 2 EGA64 | EGA64LO | 0 | 640 x 200| 16 color| 1 | EGA64HI | 1 | 640 x 350| 4 color| 1 EGA-MONO| EGAMONOHI | 3 | 640 x 350| 2 color| 1* | EGAMONOHI | 3 | 640 x 350| 2 color| 2** VGA | VGALO | 0 | 640 x 200| 16 color| 2 | VGAMED | 1 | 640 x 350| 16 color| 2 | VGAHI | 2 | 640 x 480| 16 color| 1 * 64K on EGAMONO card ** 256K on EGAMONO card (mode ) Changes the way graphics is written to the display. The modes are: 1 - Paint Mode, All source pixels are transferred. 3 - XOR Mode, the source and destination are XORed The actual mode used is returned. (color ) Changes the current line drawing colour. This is machine dependant. The actual colour number used is returned. (fillarea ) - ((h . v) (h . v) ... ) h - horizontal coordinate v - vertical coordinate Paints a complex polygon defined by the list of points. A maximum of ?? points is accepted. (fillstyle ) fillstyle sets the current fill pattern and fill color. This function is machine dependant. For MS-DOS the values are: The integer , gives names for the predefined fill patterns: Name | Value | Description ------------------|-------|---------------------------- EMPTY_FILL | 0 | Fill with background color SOLID_FILL | 1 | Solid fill LINE_FILL | 2 | Fill with --- LTSLASH_FILL | 3 | Fill with /// SLASH_FILL | 4 | Fill with ///, thick lines BKSLASH_FILL | 5 | Fill with \\\, thick lines LTBKSLASH_FILL | 6 | Fill with \\\ HATCH_FILL | 7 | Light hatch fill XHATCH_FILL | 8 | Heavy crosshatch fill INTERLEAVE_FILL | 9 | Interleaving line fill WIDE_DOT_FILL | 10 | Widely spaced dot fill CLOSE_DOT_FILL | 11 | Closely spaced dot fill All but EMPTY_FILL fill with the current fill color. EMPTY_FILL uses the current background color. (textxy h v ) Writes text onto the screen. h - horizontal coordination v - vertical coordinate text - either a string, bigstring or identifier to be displayed Prints the text DOWN from the location specified on the screen with a border around the text. It returns a pair containing width and height of the button in pixels. eg (textxy 123 50 'nottub) ==> (56 . 16) (line x1 y1 x2 y2) Draws a line between (x1,y1) and (x2,y2), x being the horizontal axis. (clear) Clears the graphics screen. (setview ) Sets the location of a camera in 3D space, as well as the camera characteristics. The parameters are as follows: (x y z) in metres from the origin : (xaxis yaxis zaxis) angles of camera rotation in degrees Number of pixels in the film of the camera, horizontal then vertical. Location of camera lens axis on backplane, horizontal then vertical. Usually the centre of the screen. ) Example: A 50.0 mm lens on a 35mm camera, looking towards the origin from 1.5 metres up and 8 metres back. These are the default initial values. (setview (list 0.0 1.50 -8.0) ; camera position (list -6.0 0.0 0.0) ; camera angle 6d down 50.0 ; camera focal length (quotient 6400.0 35e-3) ; pixels/meter of screen x (quotient 6400.0 35e-3) ; pixels/meter of screen y 3200 2000 ) (view (x y z)) Converts a point in 3D space into a screen location using the rules of perspective, and the camera parameters set by (setview). The inputs are distances from the origin in metres. Return the horizontal and vertical screen coordinates. The value of z should be positive. Example: (view '(1.0 1.0 1.0)) ==> (4215 . 4250) (show <3dlines>) Draws the list of 3d lines in perspective according to the current (setview) parameters. It uses (view) and (line) to draw the lines. Lines which fall behind the camera are not draw correctly. <3dlines> is a list of pairs of 3D points: (((xa1 ya1 za1) (xa2 ya2 za2)) ((xb1 yb1 zb1) (xb2 yb2 zb2)) ... ) (GraphClose) Tidies up the underlying graphics device after a (GraphOpen) and subsequent operations. (getevent &optional ) Returns a list representing an input event from outside the computer. Events can come from a mouse, the keyboard, the MIDI IN port or an RS232 port. If is non-zero, and there was no event to report, (getevent) returns *timeout*. The list returned has the following format: ( ....) can have the following values: *timeout* No event occurred *down* Mouse Button Down *sdown* Shift Key + Mouse Button Down *up* Mouse Button Up *move* Mouse moved *keys* Key pressed on Keyboard *midi* Midi Message received *RS232* Char received on RS232 port. The format depends on the type: *down*, *sdown*, *up*, *move*: mouse button status horizontal coordinate vertical coordinate eg (*move* 0 125 49) *keys* ASCII representation of key pressed *midi* list of integers as read from the port eg (*midi* 144 64 60) ; note on *RS232* integer as read. (get-decoded-time) This routine reads the computer's clock and returns the time and date. The return value is a list of integers in the following format: (second ; 0-59 minute ; 0-59 hour ; 0-23 date ; 1-31 month ; 1-12 year ; two digits day-of-week ; 0-6 where 0 = Monday daylight-saving ; ) NB The ATARI-ST clock only ticks every 2 seconds! Example: (get-decoded-time) ==> (11 20 21 1 7 92 3) (get-universal-time) This routine gets the number of seconds since the epoch (Jan 1 00:00:00 GMT 1970). It returns a float because integers are too small to contain the value. Therefore the value doesn't change very often! 12.4 ATARI-ST Specific I/O 12.4.1 MIDI I/O (NoteOn ) Sends the note-on sequence to the MIDI-out port. Channels are numbered from 0, note and velocity have the usual MIDI meanings. Example: (NoteOn 0 60 64) ; Middle C (NoteOff ) Sends the note-off sequence to the MIDI-out port. Channels are numbered from 0, note and velocity have the usual MIDI meanings. Example: (NoteOff 0 60 0) ; Middle C (ProgramChange ) Sends the program change sequence to the MIDI-out port. (PlayNote ) Plays a single note uusing (NoteOn), (Delay) and (NoteOff). The processor suspends while the note is played. (PlayTune ) Plays a list of notes using (PlayNote). The structure of the list is as follows: :== ( ...... ) :== ( ) Example: (PlayTune '((0 60 63 3) (0 62 63 3) )) (Delay ) Executes a wait loop of . The processor does nothing else in this loop. The actual wait depends on processor speed and the value set by (Tempo). (Tempo ) Sets the multiplyer used by the wait loop in (Delay), (PlayNote) and (PlayTune). Example: (Tempo 1000) (Major ) Converts note numbers from the usual major scale system into MIDI note numbers. Where: note - note in the scale eg. 0-C, 1-D, 2-E ... adj - +1 = sharp, 0 = natural, -1 = flat key - starting point of the scale eg. 0-C, 1-D, 2-E adj - +1 = sharp, 0 = natural, -1 = flat Returns the MIDI note number of the note given in the scale given. Example: (Major 14 ; Middle C 0 ; natural 2 ; Key is E +1 ; Key is E sharp ) ==> ; Midi note (emu ) Provides a simple but effective dumb terminal capability, with capture to disk of the received data. [If the host is echoing, this means you get both transmitted and received data, except non-echoed passwords.] can be a string or a symbol or missing altogether, in which case the session is not logged to disk. (emu) monitors what you type and can execute commands preceded by a tilde. Commands are: ~. Return to the Lisp interpreter. ~~ Transmit a tilde character. Examples: (emu "script") (emu 'logfile) (bios [] [] []) This function calls the BIOS operating system functions in the ATARI-ST ROM. The arguments must all be integers, the return value is the integer as returned by BIOS. Example: (bios 3 2 42) ; send 1 char to the screen (xbios [] [] []) This function calls the extended BIOS operating system functions in the ATARI-ST ROM. The arguments must all be integers, the return value is the integer as returned by BIOS. Example: (xbios 17) ; gets a random number (putstr ) Outputs a string of bytes to the port specified using BIOS. The port number values understood are: Printer 0 Modem 1 Keyboard/Screen 2 MIDI 3 can be a string or a symbol. Example: (putstr 1 "qix") (getstr ) Reads the port specified using BIOS. The reading process strips white space before the string. If nothing is read for seconds, the function returns nil. (Settime ) Allows you to set the time of the computer's clock. The arguments must all be integers. Example: (Settime 12 20 32 25 09 89) ==> (12 20 32 25 09 89) 13 DEBUGGING FUNCTIONS (room) Prints out a message about this RefLisp including the version number and memory usage. Memory is allocated from a fixed-size pool, when that becomes full, memory is acquired from the operating system heap via malloc(). The behaviour of the operating system determines what happens when the heap is all used up. ATARI-TOS aborts the program! The program uses a lot of stack (16,384 bytes on the ST, 64K on MS-DOS). (eroom) Returns total number of cells currently used. (dump ) (dump 1) instructs the interpreter to print every argument to the main evaluation functions. The return values are not printed. (The return values from most executions of "eval" and "apply" will usually appear as arguments to subsequent calls to these functions.) (dump 0) switches tracing off. (trace ) This is defined in INIT.LSP, and prints the call and return of lambda functions. See INIT.LSP for details. Example: > (trace our-function) (untrace ) Removes the effects of (trace). INIT.LSP for details. 14 EXTENSIONS TO LISP (extensions ) This function switches on Bill Birch's extensions to Lisp if is T, and switches them off if NIL. The extensions activated are: (apply): Before apply attempts to apply its functional argument to the actual argument list, it checks to see if there exists a symbol whose PNAME is of the form ( "w" Version 2.39 Changed initialisation to use the LISPINIT environment variable. Added (getenv). (open) now uses the &key :direction syntax. Version 2.41 Bug fixes for BSD 4.3 and GCC for Bryan. Version 2.51 Added (do-until), &rest, &optional and initform in lambda lists. Fixed user quotes in lex.c. Fixed GENSYM Version 2.58 Added CONSTANT types. Cures a bug in which *unbound* was being garbage collected in loops. Version 2.59 Added (errno), (strerrno), (fork), (semget), (semctl), (semop) and the source file "ipc.c". Version 2.67 Added (append), (reverse), (backquote), fixed memory leakage of functions which are self-modifying or which required further evaluation before application. APPENDIX C BUGS 1. (move) does not take out all the garbage as it should. 2. The mouse misbehaves in the following following graphics modes: CGA: 2 3 MCGA: 0,1,2,3 3. Some functions may not work as described in CLtL2. This results from their origins in Standard Lisp. 4. Reference counts are not checked for rollover through MAXINT.