From Tue Feb 1 21:24:15 EST 1994 Article: 9513 of comp.lang.prolog Xref: comp.lang.prolog:9513 Newsgroups: comp.lang.prolog Path:!!!gatech!swrinde!sgiblab!!metro!usage!sienna.spectrum.cs.unsw.OZ.AU!timm From: (Tim Menzies) Subject: Re: Definition of constraint logic programming Message-ID: <1994Jan28.050904.758@usage.csd.unsw.OZ.AU> Sender: news@usage.csd.unsw.OZ.AU Nntp-Posting-Host: Reply-To: (Tim Menzies) Organization: none Date: Fri, 28 Jan 1994 05:09:04 GMT Lines: 270 i asked my bibliography for all things "constraint"-ish. the first Cohen reference gives a nice CLP definition. the rest are in no particular order but for my money, read anything written by Borning or Mackworth. ---------------- Cohen, J. Constraint Logic Programming Languages Communciations of the ACM 1992 33 7 52-68 Good intro to CSP (plus history). A standard Prolog interpreter assumes that the rules are stored in the form: clause(Head,Body) which corresponds to the rule: head :- body where "Head" is a literal and "Body" is a list of literals. Unit clauses are stored as: clause(Head,[]). The interpreter is: prolog([]). prolog([Goal|Rest]) :- prolog(Goal), prolog(Rest). prolog(Goal) :- clause(Goal,Body), prolog(Body). In CLP, a rules is represented by: clause(Head,Body,Constraint). The CSP interpreter executes by solving the goals as before, then merging the associated constraints. If the merge fails (i.e. constraints are mutualy exclusive), then the solution fails. Otherwise, when a goal suceeds, t he succcessful goal and its associated constraints are returned. csp([],C,C). csp([Goal|Rest],C0,C) :- csp(Goal,C0,C1), csp(Rest,C1,C). csp(Goal,C0,C) :- clause(Goal,Body,C1), merge_constraints(C0,C1,C2), csp(Body,C2,C). Note that CSP is a superset of Prolog. Indeed, Prolog can be implemented in CSP: prolog(G) :- csp(G,_). Effeciency in CSP is a matter of optimising the processing of clause and the merge_constraints/2 perdicates. The time to process this clauses may vary significantly depending on the constraints being applied. constraint logic programming Bobrow, D. Mackworth, A. Special Issue on Constraint-Based Reasoning Borning, A. The Programming Language Aspects of ThingLab: a Constraint-Oriented Simulation Laboratory. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems 1981 3 4 (October) 353-387 Small nets. Impressive visual constraint programming environment. Apparently, worked in isolation to Steele's work (auther takes pains to stress that this was here first!!) Borning, A Maher, M. Martindale, A. Wilson, W. Constraint Hierachies and Logic Programming Proceedings of Sixth International Logic Programming Conference Lisbon, Portugal 1989 149-164 Formal description of Bornings "hierarchical constraints". Implemented as a meta-interpreter in two pages in CLP(R) Dechter, R. Learning while searching in Constraint-Satisfaction-Problems. Proceedings of AAAI '86 1986 178-183 Dramatic reduction in backtracking via the recognition and remembering of dead-ends. Cautionary tale re the pre-processor of Mackworth. Compliexty of one small problem given in the appendix was 2,000,000 while there technique seemed much faster. Falkenhainer, B. Proportionality Graphs, Units Analysis, and Domain Constraints: Improving the Power and Effeciency of the Scientific Discovery Process. AAAI '85 1985 552-554 Cute. Nice technique for qualitative scientific discovery (i.e. discovering relationships that cover a set of data). Search for possible combinations of variables in a relationship constrained by 2 heuristics: proportioanlity graphs and units analysis. Proportionality graphs: graphs of variables that are monotonicaly/non-monotonically related. Units analysis: when creating new vaairaables to clump together prior results, only combine them if they are of the same units. Once relationships are derived, the set of data that they explain are removed and the proces repeated. AQ then used to characterise the examples used in each set. Freeman-Benson, B.N . Maloney, J. Borning, A. An Incremental Constraint Solver Communications of the ACM 1990 33 1 54-63 Extends traditional idea of constraints to "hierarchical constraints" (i.e. order of preferred constraints). Defines the "walkabout" strength- a guide to constraint relaxation. Many of Max's ideas are here; e.g. the constraint solution is a plan. The call it "code extraction". Max calls it "program synthesis. Delta Blue is a system for incrementally solving hierachical constraints. Hints as to runtime speed are vague and un-promising for my wrk "dozens of constraints in seconds". GOOD READING list on history of constraints and applications. Five areas: (1) geometeric layout: Sutherland's SKETCHPAD (MIT, early 60s), ahead of its time. needed more computer resources than then avialable. Drawing either satisfied all constraints sequentially or via a selected relaxation of constraints. Bornings THINGLAB: extended SKETCHPAD in a Smalltalk environmnet. Later incorporated notions of degrees of constraints (formally: hierarchical constraints (see Borning '89). Nelson's JUNO and Gosling's Magritte, Van Wyk's IDEAL. (2) Simulations: Sketchpad, Thinglab, plus Animus's Thinglab extension to cover time-based constraint-based simulation (animations). Vague reference to the use of constraints in qualitative physics. (3) Design and analysis problems: Stallman & Sussman's EL circuit analyser; the PRIDE expert system for designin paper handling systems; Sapossnek's DOC and WORM. TK!Solver commerically available constraint system. Jazz compositions (Levitt); CSP: solving constraints over a finite domain. (4) User-interface support: Thinglab and Animus have been to used for intereface design performing such tasks as maintaining consitentcy between underlyign data and graphical representation of that data, between multiple views, specifying formatting requirements and references, specifying animation events and atttributes. (5) General-purpose languages: Steele's PhD (language supported the dependandy mechanisms required for dependancy-directed backtracking and explanations). Leler's Bertrand: a constraint-based language; Freeman-benson's combination of constraints with object-oriented imperative programming. CLP: CLP(D), Prolog III, CLP(R), CHIP (incremental constraint satisfaction). Saraswat's PhD: familt of concurrent constraint languages (roots in logic programming). Frueder, E.C. Wallace, R.J. Partial Constraint Satisfaction Artificial Intelligence Journal 1992 58 1992 21-70 Lessons learnt from studying constraint satisfaction problems are applied to the problem of solving the maximal number of constraints. Stores yeat another long list of constraint-based applications p22 (nearly as good as Freeman-Benson's list p 55-56) Looks very exciting.... but my probably is subtleyl different. I don't care how many internal constraints are missed. All i care about is the coverage of the output ltieral. So, we are not a partial constraint satisfaction problem. Constraint satisfaction is seen as search: not merely the Mackworth-style global analysis. Mackworth, A.K. Frueder, E.C. The Complexity of Some Polynomial Network Consistency Algorithms for Constraint Satisfaction Problems Artificial Intelligence 1985 25 65-74 Mackworth, A. The logic of constraint satisfaction Artificial Intelligence 1992 58 3-20 Recasts finite constraint satisfaction problems (FCSP) in terms of theorem proving in FOPC, propositional system, constraint networks, CLP and propositional model findings. Interesting diagram on page 8: a hierachy of langauge types and their relative restrictions. Minton, S. Johnston, M.D. Phillips, A.B. Laird, P. Minimizing conflicts: a heuristic repair method for constraint satisfaction and scheduing problems Artificial Intelligence 1992 58 161-205 Nasa working on the problem of scheduling the Space Shuttle stuff. Nice work. Very number intensive. Minton, S. Integrating Heuristics for Constraint Satisfaction Problems: A Case Study AAAI '93 Washington, USA 1993 120-126 Cheeky little article. MULTI-TAC is a program that knows several heuristics re CSP solutions. Given a sample problem, it configures a CSP solver for that problem. Perfoms very nicely (thank you) with human subjects. Demonstrates importance of heuristics in CSP and tailoring solution to problem. Steele, G.L. The Definition and Implementation of A Computer Programming Language Based on Constraints MIT 1980 My first intro to constraints. very nice stuff. set of lisp macros that support all the tedium of implementing depandancy-directed backtracking. Mackworth A.K. 1977 Consistency in Networks of Relations 8 99-118 Consider the problem of consistant assignment of state to nodes connected by constraints. This problem could be solved by "backtracking": assign any state to an y node choosen at random, then search out from this node to all other nodes assigning any state, then checking that the assigned state satisfies the node-level and inter-node level constraints. If state assignment fails, then backtrack to another state-assignment and/or another node not already tried. Mackworth studies a particualr version of this problem called the binary constraint satisfaction problem (2CSP). Each node (N) can be in one of S mutually exclu sive states. Unary predicates on each node dictate the legal states of each node and binary predicates dictate the legal states that can exist between nodes. It is conveneit to visualise such a probem as a 2-D graph showing each unary predicate are loops from each node and the binary predicates are the ars between node s. Many AI problems can be cast in terms of 2CSP: theorem proving over unary and binary predicates where the range of each variable is known (e.g. the map-colo uring problem); inference throgh propositional systems (with no and or not); and vision research. In such a formalism, the state assignment problem becomes a proof of the following theorem: exists(N1(S1x))) exists(N2(S2x)), exists(N3(S3x)) such that P1(S1x) and P2(S2x) ... and P12(S1x,S2x) and P13(S2x,S3x) and P23(S2x, S3x).... The complexity of a dumb depth-first-search through this space is horrendous: factorial on the product of the number of nodes and states. Mackworth offers a tec hnique for reducing this to polynomial time. This technique is based on a generalisation of two techniques evolved by Fikes and Waltz. Fikes notes that if there exists a node state that does not satisfy the node's unary predicate, then this state can be removed from the search space. Mackworth calls this "node consiste ntcy". Waltz developed an alogrithm for what Mackworth terms "arc consistenty": if the binary predicates forbid an association of states between two adjacent n odes, then remove that association of states from the search space. Waltz's algorithm kept dependancy information such that the processing after an arc removal (i.e. an illegal pair of states) is constrained only to the space of nodes affected by the removal. The nodes are numbered 1 to N and the Waltz fitler progresse s over the nodes maintaining the invariant that all the arcs in the space 1 to i (i being the current position) are valid. Consequently, all the work associated with arc removal ins constrained to the space i+1 to N. Mackworth simplifies and extends the Waltz filter for "path consistentcy"; i.e. if the state of M nodes satifies their node and arc consistentcy requirements, but fails some transistive relationship between more than 2 nodes, then the path is inconsistent and sho uld be removed from the search space. As in the case of the Waltz fitler, the Mackworth algorithm constrains the processing relating to the removal of a path to some space beyond the current position of the processing. Building on the work of Montanari, Mackworth limits the search for consistent paths to paths of lengt h 2 (since if all paths of length 2 are consistent then by induction all paths of length N in the network are consistent). In action, the Mackworth system is a pre-processor that enumerates all possible states and arcs, then applies (in-order) the node, arc, and path consitentcy alg orithms. Any traversal over the remaining arcs or any remaining state assignments are now valid solutions to a 2CSP. In terms of effeicency, Mackworth 85 prove s that the time complexity of the pre-processor is a^5*N^3 where a is the number of states and N is the number of nodes. Further, the pre-processing nature of h is solution means that for static problems, it can be applied once to generate some look-up tables which are cached and used very quickly for subsequent analysi s. See also Pearl's and Dechter's stuff for other approaches. AIJ Dec '92 is a special issue on constraint-based reasoning (Editted by Mackworth). -- Tim Menzies| "I found myself\ designing ,-_|\ AI Lab, Computer Science, | rooms\ that wouldn't let / \ Univeristy of NSW, P.O. Box 1, | the light in\ with no way \_,-._* <- Kensington, Australia, 2033 | in\ and no way out\ and v ph: +61-2-697-3940 | space to fly my kite in." fax: +61-2-663-4576 | -- Godley & Creme, | Freeze Frame