CMU Artificial Intelligence Repository
Simulation of a Fuzzy Inverted Pendulum Controller
This directory contains DOS executable and source code for a
simulation of an inverted pendulum with a variable weight and variable
motor strength. The pendulum is controlled by a fuzzy logic knowledge
base. This is *not* the classical inverted pendulum which uses the
sliding "cart"; instead, this system just has a motor connected to the
pendulum. It's only intended as a simple example of a fuzzy control
system. It's not trying to prove anything.
The fuzzy logic knowledge base was developed with the Togai InfraLogic
Fuzzy-C Development System. All source code is supplied.
as the files, pendsrc.part01, pendsrc.part02,
and pendsrc.part03
Version: 15-OCT-92
Requires: IBM PC (with VGA), 256K ram, DOS 3.3, Microsoft C 5.10
CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1
Contact: Togai InfraLogic
5 Vanderbilt
Irvine, CA 92718
Tel: (714) 975-8522
Fax: (714) 975-8524
Fuzzy Logic, Inverted Pendulum, Togai InfraLogic
newdemo.tgz Different version of the demo, with two other demos as well.
pendsrc.tgz Source code for the Pendulum Demo
pendemo.tgz IBM PC Executables for the Pendulum Demo
References: ?
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:22:22 1995