From cam-eng!ukc!mcsun!uunet!!!yale!bunker!hcap!hnews!278!632!Tzipporah.Benavraham Fri May 31 18:13:44 BST 1991 Article: 8537 of misc.handicap Path: cam-eng!ukc!mcsun!uunet!!!yale!bunker!hcap!hnews!278!632!Tzipporah.Benavraham From: (Tzipporah Benavraham) Newsgroups: misc.handicap Subject: IBM voice recognition Message-ID: <> Date: 30 May 91 04:01:26 GMT Sender: Reply-To: Organization: FidoNet node 1:278/632 - The Event Horizon, Staten Island NY Lines: 40 Approved: Index Number: 15843 ARMONK, NEW YORK, U.S.A., 1991 MAY 24 (NB) -- IBM VoiceType, actually a product of Dragon Systems which is also sold by that pioneering voice recognition company, provides a 7,000-word speech recognition vocabulary for computer users who either can't or prefer not to use standard keyboard data and command entry methods. Specifically targeted at the needs of the disabled, the $3,185 speech recognition board is Dragon System's first Micro Channel-compatible voice recognition system and is based on Dragon Dictate, the complete dictation system offered by that New England company. In addition to the 7,000-word active vocabulary, which can include up to 2,000 user-defined sounds as words, the system also includes voice macros which can create sentences or longer text/number strings up to 1,000 characters long from a single sound command. IBM VoiceType also has an 80,000-word spelling dictionary. The new board and software require a 32-bit PS/2-compatible (Micro Channel) system and won't ship until August. At just over $3,000, the system comes complete with a video training tape, standard documentation, and a microphone headset. For further information or to order IBM VoiceType, call Dragon Systems at 1-800-TALKTYP (825-5897). (John McCormick/19910524/Press Contact: Regina Lewis, IBM, 914-642-5469) -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!278!632!Tzipporah.Benavraham Internet: