From!!!!agate!!syma!plb Tue Aug 24 18:59:23 EDT 1993 Article: 1286 of Xref: Newsgroups: Path:!!!!agate!!syma!plb From: (Peter Brusilovsky) Subject: EWAIC'93 Preliminary Program and Call for Participation Message-ID: <> Sender: (Peter Brusilovsky) Organization: University of Sussex Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1993 18:25:28 GMT Lines: 388 FINAL CALL FOR PARTICIPATION EAST-WEST AI CONFERENCE: from theory to practice - EWAIC'93 Moscow, Russia, September 7-9, 1993 Organized by (S)AAI - (Soviet) Association for Artificial Intelligence jointly with ICSTI - International Centre for Scientific and Technical Information (Moscow) General Information =================== The major aims of the "East-West Conference on Artificial Intel- ligence : From Theory to Practice" are to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas between Eastern and Western scientists regarding the current state-of-the-art of the field of Artificial Intelligence and its applications. The main goal of the conference is to identify and study the relation between theory and practice. You are cordially invited to participate in EWAIC'93. The technical programme of EWAIC'93 will run from Tuesday 7th to Thursday 9th (inclusive) and will include invited talks, presentations, posters and demonstrations. Monday 6th is reserved for registration and special events. The conference language will be English. EWAIC'93 conference will be held in Moscow, the capital of Russia. The city has its unique history, heritage, and architectural and cultural masterpieces. A special social and cultural program will be provided aimed to give participants the opportunity to - establish contacts and have meeting with colleagues in Russia and other CIS countries - get first hand impressions of current governmental, economic and social developments in Russia. - gain a better knowledge of Russian history, architecture, museums and theatres. The regular cultural program includes a bus tour around the city, visits to the Kremlin, the Armoury Chamber, circus and theatres. A special two-days tour will be organized on 10-11 of September. This will be a visit to the International Center for Artificial Intelli- gence located in Pereslavl-Zalesskii and will include excursions (in English) to Sergiev Posad (an ancient capital of Russian Orthodox Church), Rostov and Pereslavl-Zalesskii. Regular cultural program and Special tours generally will be available before and after the conference. Preliminary Program =================== Grigoris Antoniou, Ipke Wachsmuth (Germany): "Structuring and Modules for Knowledge Bases: Motivation for a new model" BACHINSKY ALEXANDER G. (Russia): "EXPERT SYSTEM FOR SELECTION OF CULTIVATION TECHNOLOGY FOR VIRUSES AND ANIMAL CELLS" V. Bajdoun, A. Bunin, O. Bunina, L. Litvintseva, S. Nalitov, M. Suchanskij, V. Lomnev (Russia): "TEKRIS: THE INTELLIGENT SYSTEM FOR TEXT ANIMATION" Kazys Baniulis, Bronius Tamulynas, Kestutis Pocius, Saulius Sim- nishkis, Daiva Dmuchovska, Jolanta Normantiene (Lithuania): "In- telligent Tutoring System for Learning Lithuanian Language" Belyaev B.M., Surcis A.S., Yablonsky S.A. (Russia): "RUSSIAN LANGUAGE PROCESSOR RUSSICON: DESIGN AND APPLICATIONS." S.B.Borde, S.A.Pon'kin, M.V.Salychev (Russia): "SUBDEFINITENESS AND CALENDAR SCHEDULING" V. Bumagin, D. Cherevik, G. Sergievski, V. Vladimirov ( RUSSIA): "BOSS - TECHNOLOGY FOR DEVELOPMENT OF KNOWLEDGE BASED SYSTEMS" Harry Bunt, Robbert-Jan Beun (NETHERLANDS): "DenK: Dialogue Management and Knowledge Acquisition" Olivier Deste and Jean-Gabriel Ganascia (France): "LVQ + CHARADE = multi-strategic learning." Christo Dichev (Ireland): "A SEMANTIC VIEW OF A LANGUAGE FOR KNOWLEDGE STRUCTURING" Victor. K. FINN, Maria. A. MIKHEYENKOVA (Russia): "LOGICAL FRAMEWORKS FOR INTELLECTUAL SYSTEMS OF PUBLIC OPINION POLL ANALYSIS." Christian Fluhr and Khaled Radwan (France): "Fulltext databases as lexical semantic knowledge for multilingual interrogation and machine translation" N Parandeh Gheibi and J Kay (Australia.): "Design of an Intel- ligent Teaching System with Viewable Teaching Strategies" John F. Gilmore (USA): "AI In Advanced Traffic Management Systems" Victor Gladun (Ukraine): "THEMATIC KNOWLEDGE FORMATION" S.I. Goldberg, L.D.Meshalkin (Russia): "ASSISTING DrWt - SYSTEMS" Grinberg S., Yakhno T. (Russia): "EFFICIENT IMPLEMENTATION OF DE- CLARATIVE KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION IN PROBLEM-ORIENTED ES SHELL" Pierre JACOBONI (France): "DIADEME , an Architecture for Knowledge Evaluation" Sylvie KORNMAN, Yannick PARCHEMAL (France): "Opportunist Methods for Knowledge Processing" Sergej O. Kuznetsov (Russia): "Complexity of inductive hypotheses generation based on similarity operation." Vladimir Kuznetsov (Russia): "EXCEPTION IN LOGIC PROGRAMMING" Vitaly S.Lozovsky (Ukraine): "BREAKING THE EXPERTISE ACQUISITION BARRIER" Peter Madden (Scotland (UK)): "General Techniques for Automatic Program Optimization and Synthesis Through Theorem Proving" Elisabeth Metais, Jean-Noel Meunier, Gilles Levreau (France): "APPLICATION OF NATURAL LANGUAGE TECHNIQUES TO DATABASE DESIGN" Koichiro MORIHIRO, Yu HE, Mitsuru IKEDA, Riichiro MIZOGUCHI (Japan): "Selecting Hints which Reminds a Student of an Appropri- ate Strategy in Problem Solving" Naidenova X.A., Shagalov V.L., Gladkov D.V. (Russia): "OBJECT- ORIENTED TECHNOLOGY FOR EXPERT SYSTEM GENERATION" A.S.Narin'yani (Russia): "SUBDEFINITE MODELS: A BIG JUMP IN KNOWLEDGE PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY" M. Nussbaum, M. Sepulveda, M. Singer (Chile): "Mixing Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research Techniques" Haldur O~im, Mare Koit (Estonia): "Communicative strategies in a model of dialogue" Arturo Ovalle (FRANCE): "MADS : A Methodology for Cognitive Multi-Agent System Design and Development" Bernard LE ROUX and Philippe LAUBLET (FRANCE): "An approach to Knowledge Acquisition combining alternate steps of constructive modelling and elicitation" Sharoff Sergej Aleksandrovich (Russia): "System for development of linguistic processors SNOOP" Luc Steels (Belgium): "A MATHEMATICAL FRAMEWORK FOR AUTONOMOUS ROBOTS" Irene Stern (Ukraine): "THE ENCYCLOPAEDIC KNOWLEDGE - SOME THEORETICAL GROUNDS AND APPLICATIONS ( towards the problems of the workbench for compilation of the encyclopaedias )." Sergei Trapeznikov, Farida Dinenberg, Sergei Kuchin (Russia): "InterBASE - Natural Language Interface System for Popular Com- mercial DBMSs" Gilles TROMBETTONI (FRANCE): "CCMA*: a Complete Constraint Maintenance Algorithm using Constraint Programming" YURY V. TSYBENKO (Ukraine): "ON PROBLEM OF CHOICE UNIQUE DIAG- NOSIS" V.N. Vagin, A.P. Yeremeyev (Russia): "Parallelism in Production Programming Systems" Walter Van de Velde (Belgium): "Models of Problem Solving or Problem Solving as Modelling: A Knowledge Level Confusion" A. Yankovskaya and A. Gedike (Russia): "THEORETICAL BAZE, REAL- IZATION AND APPLICATION OF THE INTELLIGENT SYSTEM E X A P R A S" Alexander A. Zenkin (RUSSIA): "COGNITIVE COMPUTER GRAPHICS AS A TOOL FOR A NEW SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE GENERATING." S.V.Ulyanov, V.N.Zakharov (Russia): "Towards design of AI control systems" Conference Registration: ======================== Registration fee includes: the meeting (seeing of) at the airport Sheremetevo, transportation from the airport to the hotel and back, the conference proceedings, conference cocktail, lunches at the ICSTI cafeteria and coffee breaks for all conference days (September 7-9, 1993), a bus from the hotel "Sputnik" to and from the conference site every conference day, and the Regular cultural program. Visa Support ============ If you need a visa support, give us the following data: your full name and surname, sex, nationality, passport number, address, telex or fax number, date of birth, and expected dates of your arrival to Russia and departure. The conference days are 7-9 September, 1993, but participants may arrive earlier and/or depart later. The visa support letter will be sent to you by telex or fax. Accommodation ============= The participants will stay in hotel "Sputnik". The prices are $65 per night for a single room or $55 per a person in a twin room. Also available is a limited number of housing rooms in ICSTI Apartments - $30 per night for a single room or $20 for a twin room per a person (two- and three-rooms apartments, one or two single beds in each room, shared facilities). Preferences for booking ICSTI Apartments will be given to registered students and for early booking delegates. The price includes service charge and breakfast. Accommodation will be assigned on a 'first come first served' basis. Register now to ensure cheap accommodation and to take advantage of early registration. The Local Organizing Committee can also help you to book a room in more expensive Moscow hotels(>$100), please, request a list of available hotels. To get hotel reservation you should let ICSTI know before August 10 the exact dates of your arrival to Moscow and departure. To be met in the airport please let us know before August 31 the exact time of your arrival and the flight number. The preferred days of arrival are September 3-5, 1993. Payments ======== Your should remit the total amount to account: International Centre for Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI) acc. Nr. 1633321025 Berliner Sparkasse BLZ 10050000 Please do not forget to indicate PARTICIPANT NAME and EWAIC'93 on all payments. You are also welcome to make your payment in cash at the registration. Receipts will be provided. We are sorry for being unable to accept payments by credit cards. Please, contact Local Organizing Committee by E-mail: if you have any problems. O / O / -------------- x ---------- Cut Here ---------- x --------------- o \ o \ EAST-WEST AI CONFERENCE: from theory to practice - EWAIC'93 Moscow, Russia, September 7-9, 1993 REGISTRATION FORM EACH DELEGATE OR ACCOMPANYING PERSON SHOULD COMPLETE A SEPARATE FORM SECTION A: PERSONAL DETAILS Last name: Name: Title (Mrs,Mr,Dr,Prof): [ ] Female [ ] Male Affiliation: Address: Country: Telex: FAX: E-mail (Internet): Date of arrival: Date of departure: I need a visa support [ ] Nationality: Passport No: Date of birth: SECTION B: REGISTRATION COSTS Please check one: Fees before August 1, 1993 After August 1, 1993 Regular [ ] $200 [ ] $280 Student [ ] $100 [ ] $140 Accompanying Persons [ ] $80 [ ] $80 SECTION C: ACCOMMODATION Lodging facilities (please check) September, 1993 [ ]3 [ ]4 [ ]5 [ ]6 [ ]7 [ ]8 [ ]9 [ ]10 [ ]11 [ ]12 [ ] single hotel room: $65 per day x ___ days = [ ] twin hotel room: $55 per day x ___ days = Also in limited number there are the following facilities: [ ] ICSTI apartments single room: $30 per day x ___ days = [ ] ICSTI apartments twin room: $20 per day x ___ days = SECTION D: CULTURAL PROGRAM Regular Moscow Culture Program: (Moscow Bus Tour, visits to the Kremlin, circus or theatre). Tick the date of preference. PLEASE INDICATE 1ST AND 2ND PREFERENCES, in order to reduce delay if 1st preference is not available. September, 1993: [ ]4 [ ]5 [ ]6 [ ]10 [ ]11 Additional Choices: A special two-days tour (10-11 of September) to visit to the International Center for Artificial Intelligence, and to Pereslavl- Zalesskii, Sergiev Posad and Rostov. The cost ($22) to be collected at the conference. SECTION E: EXTRA COPIES OF PROCEEDINGS: Please indicate number of copies required: $20 x ___ copies = SECTION F: METHOD OF PAYMENT Total amount of_______ [ ] was sent to: ICSTI, acc. Nr. 1633321025, Berliner Sparkasse, BLZ 10050000 (with remark "EWAIC'93", "Participants' name") [ ] will be paid at the registration If paying by bank transfer, please, bring along a copy of the bank transfer order. Students must also supply a statement from their university. Registrations are confirmed only after copy of these documents are received by fax. Date: Signature: ============================================================== SECTION G: DEMONSTRATION, EXHIBITION Would you like the opportunity to demonstrate software? yes/no If yes, please give the title of your exposition: Please state your hardware and software requirements: The financial conditions will be e-mailed you on your request. ___________________________________________________________________ Please return the form by E-mail to as soon as possible, or send a signed copy of sections A to F of the registra- tion form by fax to EWAIC'93 Organizing Committee (Attention: Elena Alferova, fax No: +7 095 943 0089). Please remember to keep a copy of this document for your own record. From!!!!!uunet!sparky!rick Fri Aug 27 01:07:15 EDT 1993 Article: 4653 of news.announce.conferences Xref: news.announce.conferences:4653 Newsgroups: news.announce.conferences Path:!!!!!uunet!sparky!rick From: (Peter Brusilovsky) Subject: East-West AI Conference (EWAIC'93) Preliminary Program and Call for Participation Message-ID: <> Sender: (Richard Ohnemus) Organization: University of Sussex Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1993 00:46:53 GMT Approved: Expires: Fri, 10 Sep 1993 08:00:00 GMT Lines: 376 X-Md4-Signature: eed5a64b5432f43399aa49162d9476b9 FINAL CALL FOR PARTICIPATION EAST-WEST AI CONFERENCE: from theory to practice - EWAIC'93 Moscow, Russia, September 7-9, 1993 Organized by (S)AAI - (Soviet) Association for Artificial Intelligence jointly with ICSTI - International Centre for Scientific and Technical Information (Moscow) General Information =================== The major aims of the "East-West Conference on Artificial Intel- ligence : From Theory to Practice" are to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas between Eastern and Western scientists regarding the current state-of-the-art of the field of Artificial Intelligence and its applications. The main goal of the conference is to identify and study the relation between theory and practice. You are cordially invited to participate in EWAIC'93. The technical programme of EWAIC'93 will run from Tuesday 7th to Thursday 9th (inclusive) and will include invited talks, presentations, posters and demonstrations. Monday 6th is reserved for registration and special events. The conference language will be English. EWAIC'93 conference will be held in Moscow, the capital of Russia. The city has its unique history, heritage, and architectural and cultural masterpieces. A special social and cultural program will be provided aimed to give participants the opportunity to - establish contacts and have meeting with colleagues in Russia and other CIS countries - get first hand impressions of current governmental, economic and social developments in Russia. - gain a better knowledge of Russian history, architecture, museums and theatres. The regular cultural program includes a bus tour around the city, visits to the Kremlin, the Armoury Chamber, circus and theatres. A special two-days tour will be organized on 10-11 of September. This will be a visit to the International Center for Artificial Intelli- gence located in Pereslavl-Zalesskii and will include excursions (in English) to Sergiev Posad (an ancient capital of Russian Orthodox Church), Rostov and Pereslavl-Zalesskii. Regular cultural program and Special tours generally will be available before and after the conference. Preliminary Program =================== Grigoris Antoniou, Ipke Wachsmuth (Germany): "Structuring and Modules for Knowledge Bases: Motivation for a new model" BACHINSKY ALEXANDER G. (Russia): "EXPERT SYSTEM FOR SELECTION OF CULTIVATION TECHNOLOGY FOR VIRUSES AND ANIMAL CELLS" V. Bajdoun, A. Bunin, O. Bunina, L. Litvintseva, S. Nalitov, M. Suchanskij, V. Lomnev (Russia): "TEKRIS: THE INTELLIGENT SYSTEM FOR TEXT ANIMATION" Kazys Baniulis, Bronius Tamulynas, Kestutis Pocius, Saulius Sim- nishkis, Daiva Dmuchovska, Jolanta Normantiene (Lithuania): "In- telligent Tutoring System for Learning Lithuanian Language" Belyaev B.M., Surcis A.S., Yablonsky S.A. (Russia): "RUSSIAN LANGUAGE PROCESSOR RUSSICON: DESIGN AND APPLICATIONS." S.B.Borde, S.A.Pon'kin, M.V.Salychev (Russia): "SUBDEFINITENESS AND CALENDAR SCHEDULING" V. Bumagin, D. Cherevik, G. Sergievski, V. Vladimirov ( RUSSIA): "BOSS - TECHNOLOGY FOR DEVELOPMENT OF KNOWLEDGE BASED SYSTEMS" Harry Bunt, Robbert-Jan Beun (NETHERLANDS): "DenK: Dialogue Management and Knowledge Acquisition" Olivier Deste and Jean-Gabriel Ganascia (France): "LVQ + CHARADE = multi-strategic learning." Christo Dichev (Ireland): "A SEMANTIC VIEW OF A LANGUAGE FOR KNOWLEDGE STRUCTURING" Victor. K. FINN, Maria. A. MIKHEYENKOVA (Russia): "LOGICAL FRAMEWORKS FOR INTELLECTUAL SYSTEMS OF PUBLIC OPINION POLL ANALYSIS." Christian Fluhr and Khaled Radwan (France): "Fulltext databases as lexical semantic knowledge for multilingual interrogation and machine translation" N Parandeh Gheibi and J Kay (Australia.): "Design of an Intel- ligent Teaching System with Viewable Teaching Strategies" John F. Gilmore (USA): "AI In Advanced Traffic Management Systems" Victor Gladun (Ukraine): "THEMATIC KNOWLEDGE FORMATION" S.I. Goldberg, L.D.Meshalkin (Russia): "ASSISTING DrWt - SYSTEMS" Grinberg S., Yakhno T. (Russia): "EFFICIENT IMPLEMENTATION OF DE- CLARATIVE KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION IN PROBLEM-ORIENTED ES SHELL" Pierre JACOBONI (France): "DIADEME , an Architecture for Knowledge Evaluation" Sylvie KORNMAN, Yannick PARCHEMAL (France): "Opportunist Methods for Knowledge Processing" Sergej O. Kuznetsov (Russia): "Complexity of inductive hypotheses generation based on similarity operation." Vladimir Kuznetsov (Russia): "EXCEPTION IN LOGIC PROGRAMMING" Vitaly S.Lozovsky (Ukraine): "BREAKING THE EXPERTISE ACQUISITION BARRIER" Peter Madden (Scotland (UK)): "General Techniques for Automatic Program Optimization and Synthesis Through Theorem Proving" Elisabeth Metais, Jean-Noel Meunier, Gilles Levreau (France): "APPLICATION OF NATURAL LANGUAGE TECHNIQUES TO DATABASE DESIGN" Koichiro MORIHIRO, Yu HE, Mitsuru IKEDA, Riichiro MIZOGUCHI (Japan): "Selecting Hints which Reminds a Student of an Appropri- ate Strategy in Problem Solving" Naidenova X.A., Shagalov V.L., Gladkov D.V. (Russia): "OBJECT- ORIENTED TECHNOLOGY FOR EXPERT SYSTEM GENERATION" A.S.Narin'yani (Russia): "SUBDEFINITE MODELS: A BIG JUMP IN KNOWLEDGE PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY" M. Nussbaum, M. Sepulveda, M. Singer (Chile): "Mixing Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research Techniques" Haldur O~im, Mare Koit (Estonia): "Communicative strategies in a model of dialogue" Arturo Ovalle (FRANCE): "MADS : A Methodology for Cognitive Multi-Agent System Design and Development" Bernard LE ROUX and Philippe LAUBLET (FRANCE): "An approach to Knowledge Acquisition combining alternate steps of constructive modelling and elicitation" Sharoff Sergej Aleksandrovich (Russia): "System for development of linguistic processors SNOOP" Luc Steels (Belgium): "A MATHEMATICAL FRAMEWORK FOR AUTONOMOUS ROBOTS" Irene Stern (Ukraine): "THE ENCYCLOPAEDIC KNOWLEDGE - SOME THEORETICAL GROUNDS AND APPLICATIONS ( towards the problems of the workbench for compilation of the encyclopaedias )." Sergei Trapeznikov, Farida Dinenberg, Sergei Kuchin (Russia): "InterBASE - Natural Language Interface System for Popular Com- mercial DBMSs" Gilles TROMBETTONI (FRANCE): "CCMA*: a Complete Constraint Maintenance Algorithm using Constraint Programming" YURY V. TSYBENKO (Ukraine): "ON PROBLEM OF CHOICE UNIQUE DIAG- NOSIS" V.N. Vagin, A.P. Yeremeyev (Russia): "Parallelism in Production Programming Systems" Walter Van de Velde (Belgium): "Models of Problem Solving or Problem Solving as Modelling: A Knowledge Level Confusion" A. Yankovskaya and A. Gedike (Russia): "THEORETICAL BAZE, REAL- IZATION AND APPLICATION OF THE INTELLIGENT SYSTEM E X A P R A S" Alexander A. Zenkin (RUSSIA): "COGNITIVE COMPUTER GRAPHICS AS A TOOL FOR A NEW SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE GENERATING." S.V.Ulyanov, V.N.Zakharov (Russia): "Towards design of AI control systems" Conference Registration: ======================== Registration fee includes: the meeting (seeing of) at the airport Sheremetevo, transportation from the airport to the hotel and back, the conference proceedings, conference cocktail, lunches at the ICSTI cafeteria and coffee breaks for all conference days (September 7-9, 1993), a bus from the hotel "Sputnik" to and from the conference site every conference day, and the Regular cultural program. Visa Support ============ If you need a visa support, give us the following data: your full name and surname, sex, nationality, passport number, address, telex or fax number, date of birth, and expected dates of your arrival to Russia and departure. The conference days are 7-9 September, 1993, but participants may arrive earlier and/or depart later. The visa support letter will be sent to you by telex or fax. Accommodation ============= The participants will stay in hotel "Sputnik". The prices are $65 per night for a single room or $55 per a person in a twin room. Also available is a limited number of housing rooms in ICSTI Apartments - $30 per night for a single room or $20 for a twin room per a person (two- and three-rooms apartments, one or two single beds in each room, shared facilities). Preferences for booking ICSTI Apartments will be given to registered students and for early booking delegates. The price includes service charge and breakfast. Accommodation will be assigned on a 'first come first served' basis. Register now to ensure cheap accommodation and to take advantage of early registration. The Local Organizing Committee can also help you to book a room in more expensive Moscow hotels(>$100), please, request a list of available hotels. To get hotel reservation you should let ICSTI know before August 10 the exact dates of your arrival to Moscow and departure. To be met in the airport please let us know before August 31 the exact time of your arrival and the flight number. The preferred days of arrival are September 3-5, 1993. Payments ======== Your should remit the total amount to account: International Centre for Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI) acc. Nr. 1633321025 Berliner Sparkasse BLZ 10050000 Please do not forget to indicate PARTICIPANT NAME and EWAIC'93 on all payments. You are also welcome to make your payment in cash at the registration. Receipts will be provided. We are sorry for being unable to accept payments by credit cards. Please, contact Local Organizing Committee by E-mail: if you have any problems. O / O / -------------- x ---------- Cut Here ---------- x --------------- o \ o \ EAST-WEST AI CONFERENCE: from theory to practice - EWAIC'93 Moscow, Russia, September 7-9, 1993 REGISTRATION FORM EACH DELEGATE OR ACCOMPANYING PERSON SHOULD COMPLETE A SEPARATE FORM SECTION A: PERSONAL DETAILS Last name: Name: Title (Mrs,Mr,Dr,Prof): [ ] Female [ ] Male Affiliation: Address: Country: Telex: FAX: E-mail (Internet): Date of arrival: Date of departure: I need a visa support [ ] Nationality: Passport No: Date of birth: SECTION B: REGISTRATION COSTS Please check one: Fees before August 1, 1993 After August 1, 1993 Regular [ ] $200 [ ] $280 Student [ ] $100 [ ] $140 Accompanying Persons [ ] $80 [ ] $80 SECTION C: ACCOMMODATION Lodging facilities (please check) September, 1993 [ ]3 [ ]4 [ ]5 [ ]6 [ ]7 [ ]8 [ ]9 [ ]10 [ ]11 [ ]12 [ ] single hotel room: $65 per day x ___ days = [ ] twin hotel room: $55 per day x ___ days = Also in limited number there are the following facilities: [ ] ICSTI apartments single room: $30 per day x ___ days = [ ] ICSTI apartments twin room: $20 per day x ___ days = SECTION D: CULTURAL PROGRAM Regular Moscow Culture Program: (Moscow Bus Tour, visits to the Kremlin, circus or theatre). Tick the date of preference. PLEASE INDICATE 1ST AND 2ND PREFERENCES, in order to reduce delay if 1st preference is not available. September, 1993: [ ]4 [ ]5 [ ]6 [ ]10 [ ]11 Additional Choices: A special two-days tour (10-11 of September) to visit to the International Center for Artificial Intelligence, and to Pereslavl- Zalesskii, Sergiev Posad and Rostov. The cost ($22) to be collected at the conference. SECTION E: EXTRA COPIES OF PROCEEDINGS: Please indicate number of copies required: $20 x ___ copies = SECTION F: METHOD OF PAYMENT Total amount of_______ [ ] was sent to: ICSTI, acc. Nr. 1633321025, Berliner Sparkasse, BLZ 10050000 (with remark "EWAIC'93", "Participants' name") [ ] will be paid at the registration If paying by bank transfer, please, bring along a copy of the bank transfer order. Students must also supply a statement from their university. Registrations are confirmed only after copy of these documents are received by fax. Date: Signature: ============================================================== SECTION G: DEMONSTRATION, EXHIBITION Would you like the opportunity to demonstrate software? yes/no If yes, please give the title of your exposition: Please state your hardware and software requirements: The financial conditions will be e-mailed you on your request. ___________________________________________________________________ Please return the form by E-mail to as soon as possible, or send a signed copy of sections A to F of the registra- tion form by fax to EWAIC'93 Organizing Committee (Attention: Elena Alferova, fax No: +7 095 943 0089). Please remember to keep a copy of this document for your own record.