This is file /pub/diku/dists/jones-book/Romanenko/README at

This directory contains two menu-driven partial evaluation systems for
use with TI PC Scheme on personal computers.  One of them is also available 
for use with SCM under Unix and MacGambit on the Macintosh.

Both systems are developed by:
	Sergei A. Romanenko, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics,
	Russian Academy of Sciences, Miusskaya Sq. 4, 125047 Moscow, Russia.

* File Unmix.arj 
Self-applicable partial evaluator for a first-order Scheme subset for
TI PC Scheme.

* File UnmixSCM.tar.z
Self-applicable partial evaluator for a first-order Scheme subset (same as
above) for SCM under Unix and for MacGambit on the Macintosh.  (Must be
uncompressed using gzip and restored using tar.)

* File Semilux.arj
A self-applicable partial evaluator for a large Scheme subset.
Includes example subject programs.  Much the same functionality as
Bondorf's Similix system.

* File unarj.exe
A PC program to uncompress the compressed ".arj" files.  
Example: To unpack Semilux, execute "unarj x Semilux".

Last update: 1993-03-22 by 
	     1993-12-17 by Sergei Romanenko