(Version 0.0, November 1992)

                          Sergei A.Romanenko

               Keldysh Institute for Applied Mathematics
                     Russia's Academy of Sciences
               Miusskaya Sq.4, SU-125047, Moscow, Russia


Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
documentation for any personal or educational use without fee is hereby
granted, provided that:

  * This copyright notice is retained in both source code and
    supporting documentation.

  * Modified versions of this software cannot be redistributed unless
    accompanied by a complete history (date, author, description) of
    modifications made; the intension here is to give appropriate
    credit to those involved, whilst simultaneously ensuring that any
    recipient can determine the origin of the software.

  * These same conditions will also be applied to any software system
    derived either in full or in part from this system.

The name `Semilux` is not a trademark, registered or otherwise, and you
are free to mention this name in published material, public and private
correspondence, and other documents without restriction or obligation.

`Semilux` is provided `as is` without express or implied warranty.


Semilux is a partially rewritten version of the specializer Similix
developed by Anders Bondorf and Olivier Danvy.

The main goal of the author was to get Similix run under the TI Scheme
3.03 on IBM PC XT/ATs, which was achieved by some restructuring of
Semilux. Other changes are due to the desire to improve readability of
the source programs.


If a program has several input parameters, it can be "specialized"
with respect to the values of some of the parameters, in which case
we get a "residual" program with less input parameters than the original

The parameters whose values are known at the time the program is being
specialized are referred to as "static" parameters, whereas all other
parameters are referred to as "dynamic" ones.

Semilux is a system that specializes programs written in a subset of
Scheme, and consists of two phases: "preprocessor" and "generator of
residual programs" (which is also is referred to as "partial
evaluator"). The specialization is done in two steps.

At the first step, preprocessor takes a Scheme program and a descriptor
of the program's input parameters. The program is a non-empty sequence
of function definitions. The first function definition in the program is
assumed to be the "main" function of the program. The descriptor is a
string of letters "s" and "d", the length of the descriptor being equal
to the number of the main function's parameters.

The descriptor of the program's parameters classifies each parameter of
the main function as either static or dynamic. If a parameter is static,
the corresponding letter in the descriptor is "s", otherwise the letter
is "d".

Preprocessor takes as input a program and a descriptor and produces an
"annotated" version of the original program, which contains some
directions for the generator of residual programs.

At the second step, the generator of residual programs takes as input
an annotated program and a sequence of file names (separated by one or
more spaces). The number of file names must be equal to the number of
the program's static input parameters. Each of the files must contain
zero, one, or more Scheme S-expressions to be used as values of the
corresponding static parameters.


The preprocessing consists of several stages.

  * First, the original program is "desugared", i.e. compiled from
    Scheme to the Core Scheme, which is the internal language of the

  * Second, the program is globally analyzed, and all variables and
    operations in the program are classified as either static,
    closure-valued, or dynamic.

  * Third, the information thus obtained is inserted into the program
    to produce an annotated version of the original program.

Annotated Scheme programs will be regarded as programs written in the
Annotated Scheme, a version of the Core Scheme supplemented with
additional constructs to express annotations.

Annotations inserted into the program are used by the residual program
generator (partial evaluator) in various ways: they tell whether a
variable is bound to a first-order constant, to a closure, or to a
residual expression, whether an operation should be performed at
partial evaluation time, and whether calls and let-expressions should
be unfolded.

Semilux provides two different partial evaluators. The first one is
written in the direct style (DS), whereas the second one is written in
the continuation-passing style (CPS). (The partial evaluator in CPS is
more powerful.)

The way in which a program is preprocessed depends, to some extent, on
the partial evaluator that is to be applied to the program. Thus, the
preprocessor will ask the user about the desired style of the partial


The generator consists of "partial evaluator", which generates residual
program by symbolically evaluating annotated Scheme expressions,
and "postprocessor", which performs some additional transformations of
the residual program and then translates the residual program in the
Core Scheme to Scheme.


The postprocessing comprises the following stages.

  * Post-unfolding.
  * Ensugaring, i.e. the compilation from the Core Scheme into Scheme.

More information may be found in the source programs of Semilux.


The directory containing programs to be specialized must also contain 
the file SCHEME.INI having the following contents:

(define **semilux-path** SSSS)
(define **external-editor-name** EEEE)
(load (string-append **semilux-path** "semilux.fsl"))

where SSSS is the full path of the directory containing Semilux, and
EEEE the full name (including the path) of a text editor to be called
from the main menu of Semilux.

For example, if Semilux resides in the directory E:\SEMILUX, and the
external editor NE.EXE resides in the directory C:\NC, the file
SCHEME.INI must contain the following lines:

(define **semilux-path** "E:\\SEMILUX\\")
(define **external-editor-name** "C:\\NC\\NE.EXE")
(load (string-append **semilux-path** "semilux.fsl"))

If an external editor is not supposed to be used, the external editor
name needn't be specified.

To call Semilux, make sure that the directory containing programs to be
specialized is the current one. Then enter one of the command:


The command PCS runs the version of the TI Scheme that makes use of
neither expanded nor extended memory. The commands PCSEXP and PCSEXT
run versions of the TI Scheme capable of making use of the expanded and
extended memory, respectively.

As a result, Semilux starts and displays a menu on the screen, which
provides further information.


A source program to be specialized is expressed by a set of user
defined procedures and a set of user defined primitive operators.
Semilux uses the textual definition of procedures. In contrast, an
operator is treated as a primitive operation: the specializer never
worries about how the operations are performed by primitive operators.
It can do only two things with a primitive operation: either perform
the operation or suspend it by generating residual code.

The user defined primitive operators are defined in external files.
These files are loaded by the LOAD and LOADT expressions.

An expression (load F) loads a file F containing arbitrary Scheme
expressions defining procedures and variables in the global user
environment. The file F can be either in the source format or in the
compiled (fast-load) format.

An expression (loadt F) loads a file F containing declarations of
primitive operators. These declarations are used by the preprocessor.

User Defined Procedures

Here is the syntax of the subset of Scheme accepted by the specializer

Pr : Program, PD : ProcedureDefinition, F : FileName,
E : Expression, C : Constant, V : Variable, P : ProcedureName,
O : OperatorName, SC : SimpleConstant, Num : Number,
Bool : Boolean, Str : String, Ch : Character, Sym : Symbol,
Q : QuotedValue, Pa : Pair, Ve : Vector, M : MacroName

Pr   ::=  (load F)*                ;; Load-file names
          (loadt F)*               ;; Loadt-file names
          PD+                      ;; Procedure definitions
PD   ::=  (define (P V*) E+)       ;; Procedure definition
E    ::=  C |                      ;; Constant
          V |                      ;; Variable
          (if E E E) |             ;; Conditional
          (let ((V E)+) E+) |      ;; Local variable definition
          (begin E+) |             ;; Sequence
          (O E*) |                 ;; Primitive operation call
          (error E*) |             ;; Error expression
          (P E*) |                 ;; Procedure call
          (lambda (V*) E+) |       ;; Lambda abstraction
          (E E*) |                 ;; Application
          (M Q*)                   ;; Macro call
C    ::=  SC | (quote Q)
SC   ::=  Num | Bool | Str | Ch
Q    ::=  SC | Sym | Pa | Ve
Pa   ::=  (Q . Q)
Ve   ::=  #(Q*)

Note that the TI Scheme implements such forms as LET*, OR, AND, COND
and CASE by means of macros, so that they are accepted by Semilux in
the programs to be specialized.

Some useful macro definitions may be found in the file "x-match.s".
File "x-synt.s" contains a definition of "extend-syntax", a powerful
tool for defining macro extensions.

User Define Primitive Operators

User defined primitive operators must be declared in operator modules
residing in separate files.

The declaration of an operator can also serve as its definition, in
which case the operator will be defined before the program is run or
partially evaluated. Otherwise, the operator has to be defined
somewhere else.

An operator module has the following syntax:

OM : OperatorModule, OD : OperatorDefinition,
Oa : OperatorNameA, Ob : OperatorNameB,
SE : SchemeExpression, SV : SchemeVariable

OM   ::=  OD*
OD   ::=  (Key Arity Oa) |
          (Key (Oa V*)) |
          (Key Arity Oa SV) |
          (Key (Oa V*) SE) |
          (Key * Ob) |
          (Key (Ob . V)) |
          (Key * Ob SV) |
          (Key (Ob . V) SE)
Key  ::=  defprim-transparent | defprim |
          defprim-dynamic |
Arity     ::=  0 | 1 | 2 | ...

The keyword appearing in a declaration gives transparency information,
which is used during partial evaluation.

A transparent operation is evaluation order independent, and is to be
reduced during partial evaluation, provided that all its arguments are

A dynamic operation is evaluation order independent, and is to be
suspended during partial evaluation to give rise to a residual
primitive operation call.

An opaque operation is evaluation order dependent, and is to be
suspended in the same way as a dynamic operation.

The keyword defprim is equivalent to the keyword defprim-transparent.

A declaration (Key N Oa) means that the operator Oa has fixed arity N
and is already defined elsewhere.

A declaration (Key (Oa V1 ... VN)) is equivalent to (Key N Oa).

A declaration (Key N Oa SV) means that the operator Oa has fixed arity
N, and is to be defined as (define Oa SV).

A declaration (Key (Oa V1 ... VN) SE) means that the operator Oa has
fixed arity N and is to be defined as (define (Oa V1 ... VN) SE).

A declaration (Key * Ob) means that the operator Ob has no fixed arity
and is already defined elsewhere.

A declaration (Key (Ob . V)) is equivalent to (Key * Ob).

A declaration (Key * Ob SV) means that the operator Ob has no fixed
arity and is to be defined as (define Ob SV).

A declaration (Key (Ob . V) SE) means that the operator Ob has no fixed
arity and is to be defined as (define (Ob . V) SE).

Here are some examples of operator definitions:

(defprim 1 car)
(defprim (cons x y))
(defprim 1 my-car car)
(defprim-transparent (my-op x y) (cons x (cons x y)))
(defprim * list)
(defprim (+ . args))
(defprim * my-list list)
(defprim (my-list2 . x) x)
(defprim-opaque 1 read)
(defprim-dynamic (generalize x) x)

A primitive operation is not allowed to return any higher order value
which is not passed in as an argument. Thus, a primitive must not
generate new higher order values.


The Core Scheme is the internal language of the specializer Semilux.
Here is its syntax:

CPr : CoreProgram, CPD : CoreProcedureDefinition, F : FileName,
CE : CoreExpression, V : Variable, P : ProcedureName,
O : OperatorName, Num : Number,
Bool : Boolean, Str : String, Ch : Character, Sym : Symbol,
Q : QuotedValue, Pa : Pair, Ve : Vector

CPr  ::=  (F*)                     ;; Load-files names
          (F*)                     ;; Loadt-file names
          CPD+                     ;; Procedure definitions
CPD  ::=  (define (P V*) CE)
CE   ::=  (quote Q) |              ;; Constant
          V |                      ;; Variable
          (if CE CE CE) |          ;; Conditional
          (let ((V CE)) CE) |      ;; Local variable definition
          (begin CE CE) |          ;; Sequence
          (o O CE*) |              ;; Primitive operation call
          (error CE*) |            ;; Error expression
          (p P CE*) |              ;; Procedure call
          (lambda (V*) CE) |       ;; Lambda abstraction
          (a CE CE*) |             ;; Application
          (O CE*)                  ;; Equivalent to (o O CE*)
Q    ::=  Num | Bool | Str | Ch | Sym | Pa | Ve
Pa   ::=  (Q . Q)
Ve   ::=  #(Q*)

A construct (o O CE*) may be abbreviated to (O CE*), provided that O is
different from the following key words: quote, if, let, begin, o,
error, p, lambda, a.


Programs in the Annotated Scheme have the following syntax:

APr : AnnotatedProgram, APD : AnnotatedProcedureDefinition,
ALA : AnnotatedLambdaAbstractions,
St : PartialEvaluatorStyle,
F : FileName, AE : AnnotatedExpression,
V : Variable, P : ProcedureName, O :  OperatorName,
Num : Number, Bool : Boolean, Str : String, Ch :  Character,
Sym : Symbol, Q : QuotedValue, Pa : Pair, Ve : Vector,
ACS : AbstractClosureSet, ACSP : AbstractClosureSetPattern
BT: BindingTime, BTP : BindingTimePattern,
Unfold? : Unfoldability, Index : LambdaAbstractionIndex

APr  ::=  (*style* St)             ;; Partial evaluator's style
          (*load-files* F*)        ;; Load-file names
          (*adt-files* F*)         ;; Loadt-file names
          (*definitions APD+)      ;; Procedure definitions
          (*lambdas* ALA*)         ;; Lambda abstractions
St   ::=  direct |
APD  ::=  (define (P V*)           ;; Formal parameters
            ACSP                   ;; Formal parameters' ACSP
            BTP                    ;; Formal parameters' BTP
            Unfold?                ;; Unfoldability
            AE)                    ;; Body
ALA  ::=  (lambda (V*)             ;; Formal parameters
            BTP                    ;; Formal parameters' BTP
            Index                  ;; Index
            (V*)                   ;; Free variables
            ACSP                   ;; Free variables' ACSP
            BTP                    ;; Free variables' BTP
            AE)                    ;; Body
AE   ::=  (quote Q) |              ;; Constant
          V |                      ;; Variable
          (lift AE)                ;; Purely static subexpression
          (if# AE AE AE) |         ;; Residual conditional
          (if AE AE AE) |          ;; Eliminable conditional
          (let# ((V AE)) AE) |     ;; Residual let-expression
          (let ((V AE)) AE) |      ;; Unfoldable let-expression
          (begin# AE AE) |         ;; Residual sequence
          (begin AE AE) |          ;; Eliminable sequence
          (o# O AE*) |             ;; Residual operation call
          (o O AE*) |              ;; Eliminable operation call
          (error# AE*) |           ;; Residual error expression
          (error AE*) |            ;; Eliminable error expression
          (p# P AE*) |             ;; Residual procedure call
          (p P AE*) |              ;; Unfoldable procedure call
          (lambda# Index) |        ;; Residual lambda reference
          (lambda Index) |         ;; Eliminable lambda reference
          (a# ACS AE AE*) |        ;; Residual application
          (a ACS AE AE*) |         ;; Eliminable application
          (O AE*)                  ;; Equivalent to (o O AE*)
Q    ::=  Num | Bool | Str | Ch | Sym | Pa | Ve
Pa   ::=  (Q . Q)
Ve   ::=  #(Q*)
ACS  ::=  (Index*)
ACSP ::=  (ACS*)
BT   ::=  b | s | c | d
BTP  ::=  (BT*)
Unfold?   ::=  #t | #f
Index     ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | ...


In addition to the files that contains the the specializer, there are
several files that contains some example programs to be specialized.
(They can be found in the subdirectory EXAMPLES.) Here we list the
programs with some suggestions about the way they can be specialized.

|  Program            |  Source   |  Binding time |  Static data  |
|                     |  file     |  pattern      |  files        |
|                     |           |               |               |
| Zipper              | ZIP.S     |  SD           |  Z123.DAT     |
|                     |           |               |               |
| Maximum substring   | MAXCS.S   |  SD           |  Z123.DAT     |
|                     |           |               |               |
| MP-Interpreter      | MP-INT.S  |  SD           |  MP-MLT.DAT   |
|                     |           |               |               |
| C-Zipper            | CZIP.S    |  SD           |  Z123.DAT     |
|                     |           |  DS           |  Z123.DAT     |
|                     |           |               |               |
| Mapper (1)          | MAP.S     |  D            |  NULL.DAT     |
|                     |           |               |               |
| Mapper (2)          | MAPG.S    |  DD           |  NULL.DAT     |
|                     |           |               |               |
| Mapper (2)          | MAPGS.S   |  D            |  NULL.DAT     |
|                     |           |               |               |
| Lam-Interpreter     | LAM-INT.S |  SD           |  LAM-FCT.DAT  |
|                     |           |               |               |
| CPS-Lam-Interpreter | LAM-IC.S  |  SD           |  LAM-FCT.DAT  |
|                     |           |               |               |
| Non-linear patterns | NLP-INT.S |  SD           |  NLP-P1.DAT   |
|                     |           |  SD           |  NLP-P2.DAT   |
|                     |           |               |               |
| Node counter        | CNTN.S    |  SD           |  CNTN-1.DAT   |
|                     |           |               |               |
| CPS-example         | CPS.S     |  SD (Direct)  |  Z123.DAT     |
|                     |           |  SD (Contin)  |  Z123.DAT     |
|                     |           |               |               |


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Semilux, as well as the example programs, has been written in
Scheme extended with the following macros.


        (MATCH  (arg ...)
                (pat ...  & guard => exp ... ) ... )

The expressions "arg ..." are evaluated to produce S-expressions "S-exp
...". "S-exp ..." are then matched against the corresponding patterns
"pat ...". If the matching succeeds for some clause

         (pat ... & guard => exp ... )

the variables in "pat ..." get bound to the corresponding subexpressions
in "S-exp ...", and then the expression "guard" is evaluated in the
extended environment. If the result of "guard" is not #!FALSE, the
expressions "exp ..." are evaluated in the extended environment,
otherwise the next clause is tried.  If the guard is #!TRUE, "& guard"
may be omitted.

The patterns have the following syntax:

   <pat> ::= '<S-exp>             matches <S-exp>.
           | <literal>            matches <literal>.
           | <var>                matches anything, <var> is bound.
           | _                    matches anything.
           | (<var> as <pat>)     matches <pat>, <var> is bound.
           | (<pat> . <pat>)      matches a pair with <pat>'s as elements.

   <var> ::= <symbol>
   <literal> ::=
           | ()
           | <boolean>
           | <number>
           | <character>
           | <string>
           | <vector>


        (WITH  ((pat arg) ...)
                exp ... )

The expressions "arg ..." are evaluated to produce S-expressions "S-exp
...". "S-exp ..." are supposed to match the patterns "pat ...", in which
case the variables in "pat ..." get bound to the corresponding
subexpressions in "S-exp ...", and then the expressions "exp ..." are
evaluated in the extended environment.  If some of "S-exp ..." do not
match against patterns "pat ...", the result of the form WITH is
unspecified, because there is no actual analysis of the structure of
"S-exp ...".  The syntax of patterns is exactly the same as in the case
of the form MATCH.

The form

        (WITH* ((pat1 arg1) . (pat arg) ...) exp ...)

is equivalent to

        (WITH ((pat1 arg1)) (WITH* ((pat arg) ...) exp ...)


        (SELECT (arg ...)
                (rpat ...  & guard => exp ...) ... )

The expressions "arg ..." are evaluated to produce S-expressions "S-exp
...". "S-exp ..." are then matched against the corresponding restricted
patterns "rpat ...". If the matching succeeds for some clause

        (rpat ... & guard => exp ...)

the variables in "pat ..." get bound to the corresponding subexpressions
in "S-exp ...", and then the expression "guard" is evaluated in the
extended environment. If the result of "guard" is not #!FALSE, the
expressions "exp ..." are evaluated in the extended environment,
otherwise the next clause is tried.  If the guard is #!TRUE, "& guard"
may be omitted.

Restricted patterns is a subclass of patterns.

   <rpat>::= '<S-exp>
           | <literal>
           | <var>
           | _
           | ('<S-exp> . <pat>)
           | (<literal> . <pat>)
           | (_ . <pat>)
           | (<var> . <pat>)

Restricted patterns have the following meaning.

Restricted patterns '<S-exp>, <literal>, <var>, and _ have the same
meaning as the ordinary patterns.

The result of matching an S-expression against other restricted patterns
may be unspecified.

If an S-expression <S-exp'> is not a pair, the result of matching
<S-exp'> against the patterns ('<S-exp> . <pat>), (<literal> . <pat>),
(_ . <pat>), and (<var> . <pat>) is unspecified.

If an S-expression is a pair (<S-exp'> . <S-exp''>), where the pattern
<pat> does not match <S-exp''>, the result of matching (<S-exp'> .
<S-exp''>) against the patterns ('<S-exp> . <pat>), (<literal> . <pat>),
(_ . <pat>), and (<var> . <pat>) is unspecified.

Now suppose that an S-expression is a pair (<S-exp'> . <S-exp''>), where
the pattern <pat> matches <S-exp''>. Then we have the following cases.

The patterns (_ . <pat>), and (<var> . <pat>)  always match (<S-exp'> .

The pattern (<S-exp> . <pat>) matches (<S-exp'> . <S-exp''>) if <S-exp>
is equal to <S-exp'>, otherwise the matching fails.

The pattern (<literal> . <pat>) matches (<S-exp'> . <S-exp''>) if
<literal> is equal to <S-exp'>, otherwise the matching fails.

The above definition enables the restricted patterns to be compiled into
efficient code.