This is file /pub/diku/dists/jones-book/README at

This directory contains files related to the book:
N.D. Jones, C.K. Gomard, and P. Sestoft,
Partial Evaluation and Automatic Program Generation.
Prentice Hall International 1993. xii + 415 pp. ISBN 0-13-020249-5. US$ 44.95 

See ACM Computing Reviews July 1994, item 9407-0420.

* File about-book
Preface and table of contents from the book.

* File ch4_pl.tar.Z
Interpreter and self-applicable partial evaluator for the Chapter 4
flowchart language (in Prolog).  Contributed by Zerksis Umrigar.

* File partial-eval.bib.Z	
Bibliography on partial evaluation (in Bibtex format).

* File Scheme0.tar.Z		
Self-applicable partial evaluator for a first-order Scheme subset.
See Chapter 5 and Appendix A of the book.

* File Scheme0-ieee.tar.Z		
Revised version of the above, conforming to IEEE Scheme + eval.
Works with Aubrey Jaffer's SCM version 4c5.

* File Similix.tar.Z
Self-applicable partial evaluator (version 5.0) for a large Scheme
subset, developed by Anders Bondorf, DIKU.  See Chapter 10 of the book
and the papers [Bondorf:91:AutomaticAutoprojection:SCP,
Bondorf:91:AutomaticAutoprojection, Bondorf:92:ImprovingBinding].

* Directory Romanenko/
Two menu-driven partial evaluation systems for use with TI PC Scheme on 
personal computers.  Developed by Sergei A. Romanenko, Keldysh Institute
of Applied Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.

Last update: 1994-08-25 by