,_O< Amzi! inc. 40 Samuel Prescott Dr. >O_, ( ) Stow, MA 01775, USA ( ) ~~~~~~~~~--------------------------------------~~~~~~~~~~~ tel 508/897-7332 amzi@world.std.com fax 508/897-2784 Technical Note: PROFUN Exploring Prolog Adventures, Objects, Animals, and Taxes (This article was originally published in PC AI magazine, Volume 7, Number 5 September/October 1993. The magazine can be reached at PC AI, 3310 West Bell Rd., Suite 119, Phoenix AZ, USA 85023 Tel (602) 971-1869, FAX: (602) 971-2321. It is an introduction to the language that attempts to bring out the practical benefits of the technical features of the language (unification, backtracking), rather than approaching it from a theoretical point of view. The various sections marked ----- Side Box ----- appeared, surprisingly, as side boxes in the magazine layout of the article.) While I have since written a number of "useful" Prolog programs, I was first drawn to Prolog while I was in the middle of writing, for fun, an adventure game in 'C' on my first "personal" computer. I had started my 'C' program by building the basic tools needed for the game, which included a dynamic database to record the changing state of the game, and the ability to search for symbolic patterns in the state that indicated some action needed to be taken. The action was usually represented by a message to the user and a change of state of the game. ----- Side Box ----- Adventure Games, are games in which the developer creates a simulation of an environment, real or fanciful, that the user explores, usually with some objective in mind. It is generally full of puzzles that need to be solved in order to achieve the objective. ------------------ As I was writing the utility functions for my game, I happened to go to a Boston Computer Society meeting where the speaker was discussing Prolog. I learned that all of the tools I was building were already integral components of the Prolog language. Prolog has built-in dynamic memory allocation for storing the state of the game that was better than mine because it had an extremely flexible way of representing the data. It has a built-in pattern-matching capability (unification) that was more general and flexible than the pattern-matcher I was implementing, and it had a built-in search mechanism (backtracking). Further, the dynamic memory allocation didn't just store facts, but stored rules as well, so the "data" could embody its own intelligence. Because of all of this procedural power built into the language, the code the programmer writes looks much more declarative. An application, such as my adventure game, winds up being reduced to an elegant set of logical declarations describing what the program does. (Developers often claim up to a 10-fold reduction in code size going to Prolog. See for example the PCAI article on KnowledgeWare's use of Prolog in the May/June 1993 issue.) For me, this was truly a fun way to program, capturing the essence of the joy of programming—building logical structures that perform interesting tasks. While in retrospect, the power of Prolog for writing adventure games might be obvious, think of how many other applications contain elements of remembering program state, searching for pattern matches in that state and taking conditional actions based on them. Further, how many of us think of our programs in logical terms, declaratively at first, and then spend the time translating that into procedural code? Because of the ubiquitousness of these conditions in applications, Prolog has the potential for making almost any application more fun to write than it would be in a conventional procedural language. The following sections look at a number of simple applications, showing how the built-in pattern matching (unification), search (backtracking), and dynamic memory allocation make for elegant expressions of applications in a logically pleasing, declarative fashion. The applications described are an adventure game, a part of an object- oriented program shell, a game based on a decision tree, and taxes (yes, even taxes are fun in Prolog). Adventure Game This is a skeleton adventure game in which the object is to go from the house, across the yard, to the duck pen to fetch a duck egg, being careful not to let the fox get any of the ducks. +----------------------------------+ | woods (fox) | |----------------------------------| |duck pen | | | (ducks) | yard | | (egg) \ | |----------+ +-----------+ | | house | | | | | | (you) | +----------------------------------+ To begin with we use the dynamic database to define the initial state of the game. To do this we simply state the various bits of information using Prolog structures and rules. This is, in many senses, the essence of the design, for it defines the structure of the state that the rest of the program will manipulate. location(egg, duck_pen). location(ducks, duck_pen). location(fox, woods). location(you, house). nextto(duck_pen, yard, closed). nextto(yard, house, open). nextto(yard, woods, open). connect(X, Y) :- nextto(X, Y, open). connect(X, Y) :- nextto(Y, X, open). ----- Side Box ---- Prolog Jargon - location, nextto and connect are called predicates. Because location takes two arguments, it is said to have an arity of 2 and is described as location/2. Similarly we've defined nextto/3 and connect/2. Each of the four statements ending in '.' for location/2 are called clauses, so the location/2 predicate has four clauses. nextto/3 has three clauses and connect/2 has two clauses. The clauses of location/2 and nextto/3 are called facts; they are simple assertions of truth. The two clauses of connect/2 are called rules because they are conditional as indicated by the neck symbol ':-' which can be read as the word 'if.' The arguments of the predicates are either atoms, symbols to be matched identified by an initial lower case letter, variables that can match other symbols, identified by an initial upper case letter or strings which are enclosed in $'s. Unlike most other languages, variables in Prolog cannot be assigned values, instead they take on values as the result of unification. -------------------- The Prolog statements defining location and nextto should be pretty obvious. The third predicate, connect is an example of a rule used as data. Two places are connected if they are either nextto(X, Y, open) or nextto(Y, X, open) In other words, you can get from X to Y or from Y to X if X is next to Y and open. The upper case X and Y are variables used in unification. The definition of connect illustrates both unification and backtracking search. The specification of nextto(X, Y, open) in the first rule of connect serves as a pattern to be matched against the clauses of nextto/3. Depending on the values of X and Y, the backtracking search will continue to try clauses until one is found that matches the pattern. ----- Side Box ----- One of the major advantages of Prolog is code can be tested almost immediately after being written. In this case, assume the source code file is called 'ducks.pro'. The code is then loaded and tested in a Prolog interpreter as follows. (The -> symbol means there might be more answers, the ';' is the user requesting another answer.) ?- consult('ducks.pro'). yes ?- connect(yard, woods). yes ?- connect(woods, yard). yes ?- connect(yard, X). X = house ->; X = woods ->; X = duck_pen -> -------------------- To implement just the code we've written so far in some other language would require defining the data structures for the state, deciding whether to store them in pre-allocated or dynamically allocated memory, and writing a procedure to implement connect that walked the state information and used some pattern-matching code. While these types of programming challenges are fun as well, the resulting code would be visually dominated by the search and match routines with the result that the logic of the application would be hidden, much as the logic of a simple mathematical equation is hidden when it is coded in assembler. Now that the basic state is defined, the commands that manipulate the state can be added. The fundamental operation in an adventure game is moving about, so we first implement a goto command that will move you from where you are to where you want to be, if you can get there. ----- Side Box ----- Prolog Jargon - The goto/1 predicate has two clauses. Both are rules, with a head before the neck symbol and a body after it. The body of the first goto/1 clause is composed of seven goals (separated by commas). Each of the goals is treated as a Prolog query, if the goal succeeds, then execution proceeds to the next goal, if a goal fails, then execution backtracks to the previous goal and tries to find another solution. A goal with a variable in it succeeds by binding the variable to whatever value is necessary for the goal to succeed, so in this case location(you, L) will bind L to wherever you happen to be at the time, initially the house. -------------------- goto(X) :- location(you, L), connect(L, X), retract( location(you, L) ), assert( location(you, X) ), write($ You are in the $), write(X), nl. goto(X) :- write($ You can't get there from here. $), nl. When we give Prolog the goal goto(X), where X might be one of the places in the game, such as the duck_pen, Prolog does a search for us. First it tries the first goto clause. It will succeed if the location of you is some place, L, and L connects to the place you want to go to, X. If connect fails, then the first clause of goto fails and the second clause is executed instead, writing its message to the user. The assert and retract statements are built into Prolog (as are the write and nl (newline) predicates.) They are used to dynamically modify the database, so that, in this case, location(you.. now reflects your new location. (This ability of Prolog to dynamically define itself is a powerful capability considered by some to be dangerous. To avoid the danger, the same code can be written by storing all of the state information in one large Prolog variable so that the application never needs to use assert and retract to modify its state, but my background is database and I find the approach presented more readable and, well, logical.) Other commands are similar, open(gate) and close(gate) change the state of nextto between the duck_pen and the yard. The '_' is what's called the anonymous variable, used for arguments whose values are not of interest at the time. It's use here causes the retract statements to say, in effect, retract the old nextto clause no matter whether it was open or closed. open(gate) :- retract( nextto(duck_pen, yard, _ ) ), assert( nextto(duck_pen, yard, open ) ). close(gate) :- retract( nextto(duck_pen, yard, _) ), assert( nextto(duck_pen, yard, closed) ). chase(ducks) has the affect of putting the ducks back in their pen, but it only works if you are in the yard with the ducks. take(X) removes a thing's location clause and replaces it with a you_have clause, thereby putting it in your possession. (Strings are represented in some Prologs by being bracketed by $ symbols.) chase(ducks) :- location(ducks, yard), location(you, yard), retract( location(ducks, yard) ), assert( location(ducks, duck_pen) ), write($ The ducks are back in their pen. $), nl. chase(ducks) :- write($ No ducks here. $), nl. take(X) :- location(you, L), retract( location(X, L) ), assert( you_have(X) ), write($ You now have the $), write(X), nl. take(X) :- write($ There is no $), write(X), write($ here.$), nl. The fun part of any adventure game is the various side effects, or demons. Here are two for this game. If you enter the duck pen, and the gate is open, then the ducks will go into the yard, and, the fox is in the woods waiting for the ducks to be accessible and unguarded. ducks :- location(ducks, duck_pen), location(you, duck_pen), connect(duck_pen, yard), retract( location(ducks, duck_pen) ), assert( location(ducks, yard) ), write($ The ducks have run into the yard. $), nl. ducks. fox :- location(ducks, yard), location(you, house), write($ The fox has taken a duck. $), nl. fox. The main control loop is handled with a predicate that uses recursion to execute over and over again, until the end state is reached. The first go tests the end condition, and the second reads and executes a command, tries the demons and then does it all over again. go :- done. go :- write($>> $), read(X), call(X), ducks, fox, go. done :- location(you, house), you_have(egg), write($ Thanks for getting the egg. $), nl. To run this program, simply consult it into a Prolog interpreter and type 'go'. It works like this: ?- go. >> goto(yard). You are in the yard >> goto(duck_pen). You can't get there from here. >> open(gate). >> goto(duck_pen). You are in the duck_pen The ducks have run into the yard. >> take(egg). You now have the egg. >> goto(yard). You are in the yard >> goto(house). You are in the house The fox has taken a duck. Thanks for getting the egg. ?- This is just the skeletal prototype that can easily be enhanced to include more flowing English for descriptions of what's happening and for accepting commands. In a Prolog that supports graphics, the I/O could manipulate graphic images instead of words. But, no matter how its enhanced, the code for the game will continue to look like a concise logical specification of the game. This is in contrast to a more conventional procedural application that scatters the basic logic of the application amongst the mechanics of how it gets executed. Object-Oriented Programming Prolog was originally designed for natural language work, and is excellent for that, but it is also ideal for experimenting with different ideas for computer languages. For example, Prolog can be used to implement an object-oriented programming extension to itself. Here are a few lines of code that implement polymorphism much better than C++ does. (Polymorphism is the ability of different types of objects to respond to the same message.) ----- Side Box ----- Prolog Jargon - Lists in Prolog are represented with [] brackets, such as [one, two, three]. A list can be considered to be composed of two parts, the first element, or head, and the list of remaining elements, or tail. This is represented by the notation [H | T] where the '|' separates the head and tail. -------------------- We need to introduce Prolog lists to implement it, (See side box) and one of the classic list utilities, member, that finds members of a list. It says, X is a member of list whose head is X. Failing, this, X is a member of a list if it's a member of the tail of the list. member(X, [X|_]). member(X, [_|Z]) :- member(X, Z). To implement polymorphism we will write a predicate, oo_send/2 which sends a message to an object. For an example we will define classes of objects corresponding to geometric shapes, and methods for each shape to compute it's area and perimeter. To do this we first need to define structures to represent the classes. Here are two class definitions for rectangles and circles. oo_class( rectangle(H, W), methods([ ( area(A) :- A is H * W ), ( perimeter(P) :- P is 2 * (H + W) ) ]) ). oo_class( circle(R), methods([ ( area(A) :- A is pi * R * R ), ( perimeter(P) :- 2 * pi * R ) ]) ). Given the design of the class structures, oo_send/2 becomes simple to implement. It has three goals which perform the operations: - find the class for the object and its list of methods, - find the method which matches the message, and - call the method. This is, of course, just a logical specification of what oo_send should do and corresponds very closely to the code itself. oo_send(Obj, Mess) :- oo_class(Obj, methods(Ms)), member((Mess :- Meth), Ms), call(Meth). The reason the code is so close to the logical specification, is that the programming tasks of searching for the right class and the right method in that class are taken care of by Prolog's backtracking search and unification. All that's left is the logic. Note how powerful unification is in this example. The variable Ms becomes unified with the whole complex list of methods for the given object, and, despite being passed to member, the relationship between all the logical variables is preserved so the right answer winds up in the variable used in the message. To illustrate how this works, we create a list of different shapes and write a test predicate that sends the message area(A) to each of the shapes on the list. shapes([rectangle(2, 3), circle(10), rectangle(4, 5), circle(4)]). go :- shapes(L), member(S, L), oo_send(S, area(A)), write($Area of $), write(S), write($ = $), write(A), nl, fail. go. The test predicate, go, uses member to find each of the members of the list. It does this by calling member with a variable, S, as the first argument. On the first call to member, S is unified with the first element of the list. The next goal sends that element the same message area(A). The fail goal initiates backtracking which causes member to unify S with the next element of the list, which also then gets the area(A) message sent to it. This continues until there are no more members of the list. For each shape, the area will be different and the method actually used to compute it will be different, but the message stays the same. This is polymorphism. Here are the results of running the test program. ?- go. Area of rectangle(2, 3) = 6 Area of circle(10) = 314.159 Area of rectangle(4, 5) = 20 Area of circle(4) = 50.2655 yes ?- This simple example can be expanded to include multiple inheritance, flavors, persistent objects and any thing else you might desire in an OOP system. As with the adventure game example, the code will continue to look like a logical specification of an OOP system. Animals There is a game called animals that uses expanding tree structures to try to guess what animal you were thinking of. If it guesses wrong it asks you what animal you are thinking of and for a question to identify it. Thus the decision tree grows and the program gets "smarter." The example starts with a simple tree with two branches, each pointing to a different animal. A question is used to distinguish between them. / yes - mouse Does it have fur? \ no - lizard If the program guesses wrong, then the answer animal is replaced with a new subtree, having two branches and a question as shown in the figure. / yes - dog / yes - Does it bark? Does it have fur? \ no - mouse \ no - lizard This application is trivial in Prolog using the power of unification in which variables can be bound to complex structures which can contain other variables, which might in turn be unified with still other structures. This is how the tree grows. First, how the program works. A sample dialog looks like: ?- go. Does it have fur? yes Is it a mouse? no What animal were you thinking of? dog What is a yes/no question that distinguishes them? Does it bark? For a dog the answer is: yes Play again? yes Does it have fur? yes Does it bark? yes Is it a dog? yes Play again? no yes ?- Here is all the code to implement animals in Prolog. The nodes of the tree are represented by the pattern, Animal - Tree. If Tree is a variable, then the node is an end node and the program guesses the animal. If Tree is a tree, then it is used to ask more questions. When the program guesses wrong, then it prompts for information used to build another subtree. That subtree is unified with the variable Tree at the current node and the program loops again, all the wiser. % The starting tree init(root - tree(mouse - X, $Does it have fur?$, lizard - Y)). % The main program loop go:- init(T), loop($yes$, T). loop($no$, _). loop($yes$, T):- identify(T), nl, write($Play again? $), read_string(Ans), nl, loop(Ans, T). % When the end of a branch is reached, try to guess the animal identify(Animal - X):- var(X), nl, write($Is it a $), write(Animal), write($? $), read_string(Ans), nl, process(Ans, Animal, X). % Walks the tree asking about the attributes of the animal identify(_ - tree(YES, Q, NO)):- nl, write(Q), tab(1), read_string(Ans), nl, (Ans = $yes$, identify(YES); identify(NO)). % Do nothing if the guess is correct process($yes$, _, _). % Adds a new subtree if the guess is wrong process($no$, Animal, X):- nl, write($What animal were you thinking of? $), nl, read_string(Ans), nl, nl, write($What is a yes/no question that distinguishes them?$), nl, read_string(Q), nl, nl, write($For a $), write(Ans), write($ the answer is: $), read_string(YN), nl, (YN = $yes$, X = tree(Ans-Y, Q, Animal-Z); X = tree(Animal-Y, Q, Ans-Z)). ----- Side Box ----- Prolog jargon - the ';' indicates an 'or' in a list of goals, as opposed to the more common ', ' which indicates an 'and.' The percent sign % is used to denote comments. -------------------- In this case it is unification and recursion that make this an elegant and simple expression of the code to implement the animals decision tree game. Taxes I don't know about you, but I've never really enjoyed figuring out my taxes, that is, until the year I decided to write my own tax program in Prolog. The challenge shifted from getting all the right numbers in the right boxes, to putting together a logical structure that would do it for me. To illustrate the idea, consider the following simplified tax form, 1040F (F for fantasy, if it were only so simple and cheap.) line 1 wages | | line 2 tax - enter 5% of line 1 | | line 3 withheld | | line 4 refund (line 3 - line 2) | | Each line of the tax form can be represented as a clause of the predicate line. The line predicate has four arguments: the form name, the line number, a description, and a value. The clauses for each line refer to the database of raw data and to each other as necessary. Given this, here is a Prolog program to compute taxes for form 1040F. (Remember, terms beginning with upper case are variables.) tax:- line('1040F', 4, refund, X), write('They owe you: '), write(X), nl. line('1040F', 1, wages, X) :- wages(X). line('1040F', 2, tax, X) :- line('1040F', 1, _, WAGES), X is 0.05 * WAGES. line('1040F', 3, withheld, X) :- withheld(X). line('1040F', 4, refund, X) :- line('1040F', 2, _, TAX), line('1040F', 3, _, WITHHELD), X is WITHHELD - TAX. wages(30000). withheld(2000). In this program, tax is the top level predicate which is called in a query to start the program. In true business like fashion, it immediately asks for the bottom line. The rule for line 4 calls rules for line 3 and 2, which call other line rules etc. This program accesses data from the predicates wages and withheld. Backtracking search causes Prolog to automatically use all the necessary data and subsidiary lines to compute the bottom line. The program is very declarative in its nature, mimicking almost precisely the actual tax form. All of the procedurality required to perform the computation is handled automatically by Prolog. Here's what it looks like when you run this simple program: ?- tax. They owe you: 500 yes ?- This basic scheme can be applied to the entire tax form, however, there are a few changes that might be made, such as adding a way of 'remembering' the values of various lines so they don't have to be recomputed and can also be used in a final report. This is a relatively simple change that doesn't affect the readability of the program. Conclusion In these few examples we've seen how the unique features of Prolog, dynamic memory allocation, unification and backtracking, make it a language whose code appears much cleaner, simpler, and "logical." The net result is a language that is, quite simply, a lot of fun to use. _________________________________________________________________________