,_O< Amzi! inc. 40 Samuel Prescott Dr. >O_, ( ) Stow, MA 01775, USA ( ) ~~~~~~~~~--------------------------------------~~~~~~~~~~~ tel 508/897-7332 amzi@world.std.com fax 508/897-2784 Technical Note: TAXES This article was originally published in PCAI magazine. Please do not redistribute without acknowleding PCAI. Introduction ------------ For the past few years I have done my taxes using an integrated spreadsheet and database. The formulas for the tax forms were all in the spreadsheet, and supporting data was either in the database, or wired into the spreadsheet. I always chose to write my own application, since it was then customized to my situation, and more importantly it added a little bit of pleasure into a horrible time of year. This year however, I have been interested in exploring the suitability of Prolog for ordinary business applications. Since the tax forms were new, and I was starting a home business (thus complicating my returns) I decided to use Prolog to do my taxes. I found that Prolog was extremely well suited to laying out tax forms. The forms are really just composed of rules for filling out various lines. Those rules map almost directly into Prolog syntax, giving a very desirably small "semantic gap". Semantic gap refers to the difference between expressing a problem in its own domain, and expressing it in some programming environment. For example, the tax program could have been written in C or Assembler. Assembler would have the largest semantic gap, since the semantics of assembler are concerned with moving and manipulating bits and bytes. This is far from the semantics of the tax form which are concerned with relationships between monetary values. A C program would have a semantic gap somewhere in between that of Assembler and Prolog. The programmer's job is to map a problem specified in problem domain semantics into the programming environment semantics. The smaller the semantic gap, the easier the job. The greater the semantic gap, the higher the salary the programmer commands. A tax program also requires a database of raw data, and the ability to bring that data into the tax forms. Prolog's built-in database of facts and rules is ideally suited to this purpose. The raw data is represented as simple facts, and rules express more complex relationships between the data. The architecture I used had two files. The first had the rules for filling out the lines of the tax form that were relevant for my situation. The second had the data which was referred to by the rules. This basic structure was extremely well suited to the "what- if" types of games associated with financial hacking. The program could be run for various cases by simply changing the data. It is also well suited for getting estimated results. Guesses can be filled in for values which are not initially known, and the program run to get a feel for what your tax situation will be. There are other advantages as well. The program and its data become a clean record for the taxes of that year. If you need to file estimated taxes, just plugging in new data for the current year and running the program gives as accurate a picture as possible for quarterly estimates. The final advantage is, if you buy a Prolog to do your taxes, you can write off the cost on your taxes. (I won't go to the audit with you, but bring your code, maybe the IRS will buy a copy of your program.) The Basic Idea -------------- Let's start with an oversimplification, and fantasize about a simple tax form, 1040F in figure 1. line 1 wages | | line 2 tax - enter 5% of line 1 | | line 3 withheld | | line 4 refund (line 3 - line 2) | | Figure 1 - Fantasy Tax Form, 1040F Each line of the tax form can be represented as a rule, with the name line. The line predicate has four arguments: the form name, the line number, a description, and a value. The rules for each line will refer to the database and to each other as necessary. Given this, here is a Prolog program to compute taxes for form 1040F. (Remember, terms beginning with upper case are variables.) tax:- line('1040F', 4, refund, X), write('They owe you: '), write(X), nl. line('1040F', 1, wages, X) :- wages(X). line('1040F', 2, tax, X) :- line('1040F', 1, _, WAGES), X is .05 * WAGES. line('1040F', 3, withheld, X) :- withheld(X). line('1040F', 4, refund, X) :- line('1040F', 2, _, TAX), line('1040F', 3, _, WITHHELD), X is WITHHELD - TAX. wages(30000). withheld(2000). In this program, tax is the top level predicate which is called in a query to start the program. In true business like fashion, it immediately asks for the bottom line. The rule for line 4 calls rules for line 3 and 2, which call other line rules etc. This program accesses data from the predicates wages and withheld. This basic scheme can be applied to the entire tax form, however there are a few changes to be made which make the total job simpler. First, this program computes the bottom line, but doesn't "remember" the numbers that go on all of the other lines of the tax form. In addition, if the same line is needed more than once either due to backtracking, or just the nature of the tax law, this program will recompute it. Instead of having each line refer directly to other lines, we can add an intermediate predicate which "remembers" the value of each line as it is computed. It will then use the remembered value if it is available, or if not, compute it and remember the answer in the database. The intermediate predicate is getl, which is called by the lines in the tax form when a value from another line is needed. If a line hasn't been called before, getl will call the line and save the result in the predicate lin (using assertz). If the line has been called, getl will simply get the saved value from lin. Since every line that is called should have a value, getl returns an error message if it fails to come up with an answer. getl(Form, Line, X) :- lin(Form, Line, _, X), !. getl(Form, Line, X) :- line(Form, Line, Description, X), assertz( lin(Form, Line, Description, X) ), !. getl(Form, Line, X) :- write(' *** error on: '), write(Form-Line), write(' ***'), nl. The predicate getl is then used in the tax form rules instead of direct references to other lines. line('1040F', 1, wages, X) :- wages(X). line('1040F', 2, tax, X) :- getl('1040F', 1, WAGES), X is .05 * WAGES. line('1040F', 3, withheld, X) :- withheld(X). line('1040F', 4, refund, X) :- getl('1040F',2,TAX), getl('1040F', 3, WITHHELD), X is WITHHELD - TAX. Now that the data for each line has been saved, we can write a report predicate which lays out the tax form as it needs to be filled out. Note that even though we start at the bottom line, the first line actually computed is line 1. Seeing as getl uses assertz to add things to the end of the database, the clauses for lin (stored by getl) are generally in the correct order for the report. report(Form) :- write('----- '), write(Form), write(' -----'), nl, lin(Form, Number, Description, Value), write(Number), tabto(10), write(Description), tabto(40), write(Value), nl, fail. report(_). Since many of the lines of the tax form involve adding together multiple other lines, or taking the difference of two lines, it would be useful to write two utility predicates which perform these functions, so that the readability of the program is not adversely affected. The first is sum_lines which takes for arguments a form name and a list of line numbers on the form. It returns the sum of all of the values from those lines. It uses a secondary predicate sumlin to ensure a more efficient tail recursive execution. sum_lines(F,L,X) :- sumlin(F,L,0,X). sumlin(F,[],X,X). sumlin(F,[H|T],X,Y) :- getl(F,H,A), XX is X + A, sumlin(F,T,XX,Y). The second is line_dif which computes the difference between two lines on a given form. line_dif(F,A,B,X) :- getl(F,A,AX), getl(F,B,BX), X is AX - BX. To use the program, the goal tax is first used to get the bottom line. Then the report predicate is used to get a detailed listing. ?- tax. They owe you: 500 ?- report('1040F'). ----- 1040F ----- 1 wages 30000 2 tax 1500 3 withheld 2000 4 refund 500 The same tax formulas can be used with different data. To use the program for a different individual, simply change the data values for wages and withheld. Back to Reality --------------- Given this basic strategy, and the tools developed so far, one can easily build a customized tax program covering those forms and lines applicable to a particular case. Lets look at various excerpts from the program in listing 1. The dependent calculations indicate how to use multiple versions of a line to cover different situations. The two clauses for line 6b represent the two cases of a spouse exemption depending on whether the status is married joint or not. Line 6e shows how sum_lines is used. This segment of code makes use of two data section predicates, status and children. line(1040,'6a','exemption self',1). line(1040,'6b','exemption spouse',1) :- status(married_joint). line(1040,'6b','',0). line(1040,'6c','dependent children',X) :- children(X). line(1040,'6e','total dependents',X) :- sum_lines(1040,['6a','6b','6c'],X). The income calculations on form 1040 show how calculations from different forms are tied together. In this case data is drawn in from schedules B and C. line(1040,7,'wages salaries etc',X) :- wages(X). line(1040,8,'interest income',X) :- getl(b,3,X). line(1040,13,'business profit or loss',X) :- getl(c,31,X). line(1040,22,'total income',X) :- sum_lines(1040,[7,8,13], X). The following rules from the adjusted income section of 1040 and the medical deductions for schedule A, show how straight forwardly Prolog represents some confusing intertwined tax code. The rule is, you can deduct the minimum of either: 25% of your health insurance, or your income from a business from taxable income. However, if you take a deduction on line 1040 - 25, then you must not include that amount in schedule A. line(1040,25,'health insurance',X) :- health_insurance(A), B is integer( 0.25 * A + 0.5 ), getl(c,31,C), minimum([B,C],X). line(1040,30,'adjusted gross income',X) :- line_dif(1040,22,25,X). line(a,2,'medical fees',X) :- medical_fees(A), getl(1040,25,B), X is A - B. line(a,3,'7.5% of income',X) :- getl(1040,31,A), X is integer(0.075 * A + 0.5). line(a,4,'total medical',X) :- line_dif(a,2,3,X). Here is the code that calls schedule A to get itemized deductions, calculates the appropriate standard deduction, and makes the right decision on which to use for the tax form. line(1040,'33a','itemized deductions',X) :- getl(a,26,X). line(1040,'33b','standard deduction',2540) :- status(single). line(1040,'33b','standard deduction',3760) :- status(married_joint). line(1040,'33b','standard deduction',1880) :- status(married_separate). line(1040,34,'less itemized deductions',X) :- getl(1040,'33a',A), getl(1040,'33b',B), A > B, line_dif(1040,31,'33a',X), !. line(1040,34,'less standard deductions',X) :- line_dif(1040,31,'33b',X). The tax computation is done by another predicate which knows how to build tax tables. It breaks income into a step function in $50 increments and uses the formulas for the midpoints of the steps. An excerpt is included here: line(1040,37,'tax computation',X) :- getl(1040,36,A), compute_tax(A,X). compute_tax(A,Tax) :- % adjust for tax table calc B is integer(A / 50), C is B * 50 + 25, comput_tax(C,Tax). comput_tax(A,Tax) :- status(single), rate_single(A,T), !, Tax is integer(T + 0.5). rate_single(A,T) :- A =< 1800, T is 0.11 * A. rate_single(A,T) :- A =< 16800, T is 198 + 0.15 * (A - 1800). Some forms require tabular information to be filled in on the form. So far, the tax program does not handle this case. To include it, certain lines have as their value a Prolog data structure of the form table(TableName). TableName is the name of a predicate in the data section which will write the required table. The report predicate calls TableName when it encounters this type of value. For example, on schedule B - 2, you must list all of the banks you earned interest from. The clause for line B-2 has as its value table(int_inc_tab). This means there is a predicate int_inc_tab in the database which displays the banks and interest. line(b,2,'interest accounts',table(int_inc_tab)). line(b,3,'total interest income',X) :- getl(b,2,_), interest_income(X). The report predicate is modified to call a predicate process to deal with the Value. If Value is a structure of the form table(T), then the predicate T is called. Otherwise the Value is printed as before. report(Form) :- nl, write('----- '),write(Form), write(' ----- '),nl,nl, lin(Form,Line,Desc,Value), process(Line,Desc,Value), fail. report(_). process(Line,Desc,table(T)) :- write(Line), tabto(5),write(Desc),nl, T, !. process(Line,Desc,Amount) :- write(Line), tabto(5),write(Desc), tabto(45),write(Amount),nl. Next let's look at the data portion of the program. On the fantasy form we saw how simple data such as wages and withheld are stored in the data section. Let's look now at the messy case of interest income. With the Prolog database, the data need not just contain data, but can contain rules as well. Besides having to provide a table, interest income is further complicated in Taxachusetts by the necessity of having to distinguish between interest from Massachusetts banks and non-Massachusetts banks. However, the tax form program is unaware of the underlying complexity and simply goes to the database for int_inc_tab and interest_income. It does not know if these are simple facts, or more complex rules. % ----- data for schedule b ----- interest_income(Z) :- mass_interest_income(X), non_mass_interest_inc(Y), Z is X + Y. int_inc_tab :- get_int_inc(Account,Amount), tabto(5),write(Account),write(':'), tabto(40),write(Amount),nl, fail. int_inc_tab. % --- mass_interest_income(X) :- bagof(A,T^int_inc(T,A),L), list_sum(L,X). non_mass_interest_inc(X) :- bagof(A,T^non_mass_int_inc(T,A),L), list_sum(L,X). get_int_inc(Acc,Am) :- int_inc(Acc,Am). get_int_inc(Acc,Am) :- non_mass_int_inc(Acc,Am). int_inc('first bank',186). int_inc('second bank',170). int_inc('wife''s checking',79) :- status(married_joint). int_inc('wife''s savings',721) :- status(married_joint). non_mass_int_inc('other bank',812) :- status(married_joint). The bagof predicate is used to assemble the separate clauses into a list. It is a built-in predicate of AAIS Prolog which was used for this program, but most Prolog's have a similar predicate, usually findall. (If not, Programming in Prolog by Clocksin & Mellish has the code for writing your own.) Notice how even the data can have rules associated with it. Some of the int_inc clauses will be included only if the filing status is married_joint. It is useful in the data section to distinguish between those predicates which are required by the tax form predicates, and those which support other data predicates. This way there are no errors when the data is replaced since it is clear which data predicates need to have a value. The data section is especially useful for keeping track of business expenses. Again the data contains the rules for the specific case. In my case I use 1/7 of my apartment for my home business. This figure is built into the rules which calculate the utility expense which winds up as a line item on schedule C. For next year I simply need to plug in the new values for the electric bills. This data could also have been saved in the separate clause format used for interest income if preferred. utils(XX) :- phone(A), gas_total(B), elec_total(C), oil_total(D), X is A + (B + C + D) / 7, XX is integer(X + 0.5). elec_total(X) :- elec(L), list_sum(L,X). elec([30,59,42,22,34,30,40,34]). Conclusions ----------- Prolog's use of logic to express programming constructs is exceptionally well suited to financial applications. This is due to the fact that financial applications are made up of rules for relating data. This is exactly the paradigm that Prolog uses. In the case of a tax program, the advantage is even more significant. The tax law is made up of many logical (this could be debated) rules. The rules are represented almost verbatim in Prolog code. One issue that must always be raised is performance. It seems as if this year I had one of everything the IRS cares about. As a result my program had to deal with seven different forms. The tax computation using AAIS Prolog on a Macintosh SE was under two seconds. I have not benched the program with other Prologs. There is an opportunity to utilize Prolog for developing intelligent financial applications. In particular a commercial tax program might also include various rules which give advice above and beyond the IRS rules. That is, it would become an integrated tax program and expert system. In addition, the straight forward rule syntax of Prolog makes for code which is very easy to modify from year to year. The proliferation of Prolog's on various machines makes the code reasonably easy to port from machine to machine. In short, the vendor working with Prolog has a tremendous advantage over vendor's working with more conventional languages. ?- Amzi! inc. 40 Samuel Prescott Dr. :- ?- Stow, MA 01775, USA :- ---------------------------------------------------------- tel 508/897-7332 amzi@world.std.com fax 508/897-2784 Source Code ----------- TAX.PRO ------- ÿ % This is the source code for the Prolog version of Tax program % for a subset of US federal taxes in 1987 tax :- define(lin,4), define(unsure,1), clear, news. news :- getl(1040,63,X), X > 0, nl,write('*** good news : '), write(X),nl,!. news :- getl(1040,65,X), X >= 0, nl,write('*** bad news : '), write(X),nl,!. %------------ % form 1040 %------------ %----- income ----- line(1040,'6a','exemption self',1). line(1040,'6b','exemption spouse',1) :- status(married_joint). line(1040,'6b','',0). line(1040,'6c','dependent children',X) :- children(X). line(1040,'6e','total dependents',X) :- sum_lines(1040,['6a','6b','6c'],X). line(1040,7,'wages salaries etc',X) :- wages(X). line(1040,8,'interest income',X) :- getl(b,3,X). line(1040,13,'business profit or loss',X) :- getl(c,31,X). line(1040,22,'total income',X) :- sum_lines(1040,[7,8,13], X). %----- adjusted gross income ----- line(1040,25,'health insurance',X) :- health_insurance(A), B is integer( 0.25 * A + 0.5 ), getl(c,31,C), minimum([B,C],X). line(1040,30,'adjusted gross income',X) :- getl(1040,22,X). %----- tax computation ----- line(1040,31,'adjusted gross income',X) :- getl(1040,30,X). line(1040,'33a','itemized deductions',X) :- getl(a,26,X). line(1040,'33b','',2540) :- status(single). line(1040,'33b','',3760) :- status(married_joint). line(1040,'33b','',1880) :- status(married_separate). line(1040,34,'less itemized deductions',X) :- getl(1040,'33a',A), getl(1040,'33b',B), A > B, line_dif(1040,31,'33a',X), !. line(1040,34,'less standard deductions',X) :- line_dif(1040,31,'33b',X). line(1040,35,'dependent deductions',X) :- getl(1040,'6e',D), X is 1900 * D. line(1040,36,'taxable income',X) :- line_dif(1040,34,35,X). line(1040,37,'tax computation',X) :- getl(1040,36,A), compute_tax(A,X). line(1040,39,'',X) :- getl(1040,37,X). %----- other taxes ----- line(1040,53,'total taxes',X) :- getl(1040,39,X). %----- payments ----- line(1040,54,'withheld',X) :- withheld(X). line(1040,55,'estimated paid',X) :- estimated_paid(X). line(1040,61,'total payments',X) :- sum_lines(1040,[54,55],X). %----- refund or amount owed ----- line(1040,63,'refund',X) :- getl(1040,53,Owed), getl(1040,61,Paid), X is Paid - Owed, X > 0. line(1040,63,'refund',0). line(1040,65,'pay',X) :- getl(1040,53,Owed), getl(1040,61,Paid), X is Owed - Paid, X >= 0. %------------- % schedule a %------------- line(a,2,'medical fees',X) :- medical_fees(A), getl(1040,25,B), X is A - B. line(a,3,'7.5% of income',X) :- getl(1040,31,A), X is integer(0.075 * A + 0.5). line(a,4,'total medical',X) :- line_dif(a,2,3,X). line(a,5,'state taxes',X) :- getl(mass,50,X). line(a,6,'real estate taxes',X) :- real_estate_taxes(X). line(a,7,'excise taxes',X) :- excise_taxes(X). line(a,8,'total taxes',X) :- sum_lines(a,[5,6,7],X). line(a,'9a','mortgage interest',X) :- mortgage_interest(X). line(a,'12a','personal interest',X) :- personal_interest(X). line(a,'12b','',X) :- getl(a,'12a',A), X is integer( 0.65 * A + 0.5 ). line(a,13,'total interest',X) :- sum_lines(a,['9a','12b'],X). line(a,26,'total itemized',X) :- sum_lines(a,[4,8,13],X). %------------- % schedule b %------------- line(b,2,'interest accounts',table(int_inc_tab)). line(b,3,'total interest income',X) :- getl(b,2,_), interest_income(X). %------------- % schedule c %------------- line(c,'1a','gross receipts',X) :- gross_receipts(X). line(c,'1b','returns',X) :- returns(X). line(c,'1c','receipts',X) :- line_dif(c,'1a','1b',X). line(c,2,'cost of goods',X) :- cost_of_goods(X). line(c,3,'gross profit',X) :- line_dif(c,'1c',2,X). line(c,4,'other income',X) :- other_income(X). line(c,5,'gross income',X) :- sum_lines(c,[3,4],X). line(c,6,'advertising',X) :- deduct('advertising',X). line(c,8,'bank charges',X) :- deduct('bank charges',X). line(c,9,'car expenses',X) :- deduct('car expenses',X). line(c,12,'depreciation',X) :- getl(4562,5,A), getl(4562,11,B), X is A + B. line(c,13,'dues & pubs',X) :- deduct('dues & pubs',X). line(c,16,'insurance',X) :- deduct('insurance',X). line(c,20,'office expense',X) :- deduct('office expense',X). line(c,22,'rent',X) :- deduct('rent',X). line(c,'26a','travel',X) :- deduct('travel',X). line(c,'26b','meals & entertainment',X) :- deduct('meals & entertainment',X). line(c,'26c','meals * 20%',X) :- getl(c,'26b',A), X is integer( 0.20 * A + 0.05 ). line(c,'26d','meals & entertainment',X) :- line_dif(c,'26b','26c',X). line(c,27,'utilities & phone',X) :- deduct('utilities & phone',X). line(c,30,'total deductions',X) :- sum_lines(c,[6,8,9,12,13,16,20,22,'26a','26d',27],X). line(c,31,'net profit',X) :- line_dif(c,5,30,X). %------------------------- % form 4562 depreciation %------------------------- line(4562,2,'listed property table',table(listed_prop_tab)). line(4562,3,'listed property',X) :- getl(4562,2,_), depreciation_prop_179(X). line(4562,5,'179 election',X) :- getl(4562,3,X), X =< 10000 . line(4562,5,'179 election',_) :- write('*** error - 179 election on 4562 > 10000'),nl. line(4562,11,'depreciation',X) :- depreciation(X). %----------------- % mass form %----------------- line(mass,50,total,X) :- mass_tax(X). %------------------ % tax computation %------------------ compute_tax(A,Tax) :- % adjust for tax table calc B is integer(A / 50), C is B * 50 + 25, comput_tax(C,Tax). comput_tax(A,Tax) :- status(single), rate_single(A,T), !, Tax is integer(T + 0.5). comput_tax(A,Tax) :- status(married_joint), rate_joint(A,T), !, Tax is integer(T + 0.5). comput_tax(A,Tax) :- status(married_separate), rate_separate(A,T), !, Tax is integer(T + 0.5). rate_single(A,T) :- A =< 1800, T is 0.11 * A. rate_single(A,T) :- A =< 16800, T is 198 + 0.15 * (A - 1800). rate_single(A,T) :- A =< 27000, T is 2448 + 0.28 * (A - 16800). rate_single(A,T) :- A =< 54000, T is 5304 + 0.35 * (A - 27000). rate_single(A,T) :- T is 14754 + 0.385 * (A - 54000). rate_joint(A,T) :- A =< 3000, T is 0.11 * A. rate_joint(A,T) :- A =< 28000, T is 330 + 0.15 * (A - 3000). rate_joint(A,T) :- A =< 45000, T is 4080 + 0.28 * (A - 28000). rate_joint(A,T) :- A =< 90000, T is 8840 + 0.35 * (A - 45000). rate_joint(A,T) :- T is 24590 + 0.385 * (A - 90000). rate_separate(A,T) :- A =< 1500, T is 0.11 * A. rate_separate(A,T) :- A =< 14000, T is 165 + 0.15 * (A - 1500). rate_separate(A,T) :- A =< 22500, T is 2040 + 0.28 * (A - 14000). rate_separate(A,T) :- A =< 45000, T is 4420 + 0.35 * (A - 22500). rate_separate(A,T) :- T is 12295 + 0.385 * (A - 45000). %-------------------------- % database, reports, etc. %-------------------------- forms([1040,a,b,c,4562,mass]). guess(X) :- assertz( unsure(X) ). getl(Form,Line,Amount) :- lin(Form,Line,_,Amount), !. getl(Form,Line,Amount) :- line(Form,Line,Desc,Amount), assertz( lin(Form,Line,Desc,Amount) ), !. getl(Form,Line,Amount) :- nl, write('*** getl failure ***'), write_list([Form,Line,Amount]), nl. report :- forms(L), rep(L), report(guess). rep([]). rep([H|T]) :- report(H), rep(T). report(guess) :- rep_guess. report(Form) :- nl, write('----- '),write(Form),write(' -----'),nl,nl, lin(Form,Line,Desc,Amount), process(Line,Desc,Amount), fail. report(_). process(Line,Desc,table(T)) :- write(Line), tabto(5),write(Desc),nl, T, !. process(Line,Desc,Amount) :- write(Line), tabto(5),write(Desc), tabto(45),write(Amount),nl. rep_guess :- nl, write('----- '),write('Guesses'),write(' -----'),nl,nl, unsure(G), write(G),nl, fail. rep_guess. clear :- retractall( lin(_,_,_,_) ), retractall( unsure(_) ). clear(guess) :- retractall( unsure(_) ). clear(Form) :- retractall( lin(Form,_,_,_) ). %------------ % utilities %------------ write_list([]) :- nl. write_list([H|T]) :- write(H),tab(1), write_list(T). line_dif(F,A,B,X) :- getl(F,A,AX), getl(F,B,BX), X is AX - BX. sum_lines(F,L,X) :- sumlin(F,L,0,X). sumlin(F,[],X,X). sumlin(F,[H|T],X,Y) :- getl(F,H,A), XX is X + A, sumlin(F,T,XX,Y). list_sum(L,X) :- ls(L,0,X). ls([],X,X). ls([Amount|T],X,Y) :- XX is X + Amount, ls(T,XX,Y). minimum([H|T],X) :- min(T,H,X). min([],X,X). min([H|T],M,X) :- H < M, min(T,H,X). min([H|T],M,X) :- min(T,M,X). TAXDAT.PRO ---------- %------------------ % supporting data %------------------ %----- 1040 ----- %status(single). status(married_joint). %status(married_separate). %status(head_house). %status(qual_widow). children(2). wages(X) :- status(married_joint), w2_wages(A), spouse_w2_wages(D), X is A + D, !. wages(X) :- status(married_separate), w2_wages(X). withheld(X) :- status(married_joint), w2_withheld(A), spouse_w2_withheld(B), X is A + B, !. withheld(X) :- status(married_separate), w2_withheld(X). estimated_paid(384). % --- w2_wages(33761). spouse_w2_wages(579). w2_withheld(5309). spouse_w2_withheld(14). %----- a ----- medical_fees(X) :- health_insurance(A), doctors(B), dentists(C), X is A + B + C. health_insurance(2207). real_estate_taxes(X) :- vac_home_tax(A), house_tax(B), X is A + B. excise_taxes(16). % in check book mortgage_interest(982). personal_interest(27). % mc + visa % --- doctors(X) :- smith(A), jones(B), X is A + B. smith(60). jones(250). dentists(X) :- X is 2654 + 506 . vac_home_tax(676). house_tax(2925). %----- b ----- interest_income(Z) :- mass_interest_income(X), non_mass_interest_inc(Y), Z is X + Y. int_inc_tab :- get_int_inc(Account,Amount), tabto(5),write(Account),write(':'), tabto(40),write(Amount),nl, fail. int_inc_tab. % --- mass_interest_income(X) :- bagof(A,T^int_inc(T,A),L), list_sum(L,X). non_mass_interest_inc(X) :- bagof(A,T^non_mass_int_inc(T,A),L), list_sum(L,X). get_int_inc(Acc,Am) :- int_inc(Acc,Am). get_int_inc(Acc,Am) :- non_mass_int_inc(Acc,Am). int_inc('forth bank',186). int_inc('twelveth bank',170). int_inc('eighth bank',124). int_inc('wife''s bank two',79) :- status(married_joint). int_inc('wife''s bank one',721) :- status(married_joint). non_mass_int_inc('wife''s bank',812) :- status(married_joint). %----- c----- gross_receipts(X) :- royalties(A), consulting(B), X is A + B. returns(0). cost_of_goods(0). other_income(X) :- bus_interest(X). deduct('advertising',0). deduct('bank charges',0). deduct('car expenses',X) :- standard_miles(X). deduct('dues & pubs',50). deduct('insurance',X) :- car_percent(P), car_insurance(A), X is integer( A * P / 100 + 0.5 ). deduct('office expense',435). deduct('rent',X) :- rental(X). deduct('travel',54). deduct('meals & entertainment',16). deduct('utilities & phone',X) :- utils(X). % --- royalties(X) :- royal(L), list_sum(L,X). royal([317,402,352,378,135,523,349,496,166,66,161]). % royalties consulting(5615). bus_interest(X) :- bagof(N,A^bus_int(A,N),L), list_sum(L,X). bus_int('third bank',82). bus_int('fourth bank',70). % note - for utilities and rent, my office is considered 1/7 of the % full apartment. utils(XX) :- phone(A), gas_total(B), elec_total(C), oil_total(D), X is A + (B + C + D) / 7, XX is integer(X + 0.5). phone(0). gas_total(X) :- gas(L), list_sum(L,X). gas([34,28,49,36,36,54]). elec_total(X) :- elec(L), list_sum(L,X). elec([30,59,42,22,34,30,40,34]). oil_total(X) :- oil(L), list_sum(L,X). oil([87,131,18,176,181]). rental(X) :- XX is 12 * 950 / 7, % 1/7 of 30 pembroke st ZZ is 950 / 7, % finders fee for apartment X is integer(XX + ZZ + 0.5). standard_miles(X) :- miles(M), M =< 15000, XX is 0.225 * M, X is integer(XX + 0.5), !. standard_miles(X) :- miles(M), MM is M - 15000, XX is 0.225 * 15000 + 0.11 * MM, X is integer(XX + 0.5). miles(4328). car_insurance(618). car_percent(75). %----- 4562 depreciation ----- listed_prop_tab :- listed_prop(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H), tabto(5),write_list([A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H]), fail. listed_prop_tab. depreciation_prop_179(X) :- bagof(Z,A^B^C^D^E^F^G^listed_prop(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,Z),L), list_sum(L,X). depreciation(0). % --- listed_prop('1976 BMW','3/84','50%',5000,'','','',0). % standard miles listed_prop('NEC 386 computer','10/87','100%',4574,0,0,0,4574). listed_prop('disk drive','12/87','100%',161,0,0,0,161). %----- mass taxes ----- mass_tax(500) :- guess('mass tax').