CMU Artificial Intelligence Repository
BURIDAN: Extension of SNLP that models probabilistic
conditional outcomes.
This directory contains BURIDAN, an extension of SNLP which breaks
free from the tortuous chains of STRIPS-style operators by modeling
probabilistic, conditional outcomes. Whereas classical planners'
primitive is of the form "Generate a plan that provably achieves goal
G", BURIDAN responds to requests of the form "Generate a plan that,
with probability at least tau, will achieve goal G".
It also includes the VCR graphical plan browser, which requires CLIM.
Version: 22-OCT-93
Requires: Common Lisp, CLIM
Copying: Copyright (c) 1992 University of Washington
Use, copying, and distribution permitted for non-commercial
research purposes.
If you use this software, please send a mail message to
CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1
Bug Reports:
Author(s): Nick Kushmerick, S. Hanks, Dan Weld, Tony Barrett
Authors!Barrett, Authors!Hanks, Authors!Kushmerick,
Authors!Weld, BURIDAN, CLIM!Code, Conditional Planning,
Lisp!Code, Planning, Probabilistic Planning, SNLP, STRIPS,
N. Kushmerick, S. Hanks and D. Weld, "An Algorithm for Probabilistic
Planning", UWCSE Technical Report TR-93-06-03, June 1993.
[Submitted to AIJ.]
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:27:08 1995