If you are running a 4.2 Unix, then to get the Common Lisp version of our theorem-prover, ftp the file thm.tar.Z (don't forget to use binary mode). Checksum information for thm.tar.Z may be found in the file SUM. See the file make.thm.tar.Z for information on how thm.tar.Z and SUM are created. The next step is to: UNCOMPRESS %uncompress thm.tar.Z UNTAR %tar xvf thm.tar %rm thm.tar COMPILE %kcl ;or any other Common Lisp > (load "thm.lisp") > (compile-thm) ; maybe 40 minutes on a Sun-3/280, 12 on a 36xx > (bye) ;however you get out, if you can. LOAD %kcl > (load "thm.lisp") > (load-thm) > (boot-strap) > ... If you are not running a 4.2 Unix, then ftp all of the files on this directory except thm.tar.Z and goto COMPILE. Boyer and Moore, November 1987