This ftp directory is for the public distribution of software developed at the University of Texas under the direction of Ben Kuipers. All software in this directory is distributed under the copyright agreement which is included in the file copyright. Systems distributed in this directory: 1. QSIM The latest release of QSIM is qsim2.0.tar.Z. Documentation regarding this release and its installation is included in the release. Once you have transferred this file to your machine, you can unpack it by executing the following unix command: zcat beta.tar.Z | tar xvf - This command will unpack the release file and create a directory hierarchy with the QSIM code. Release notes and installation instructions are included as postscript files in the documentation directory of the unpacked file. In addition, we have included a working copy of the latest version of the QSIM User's Manual. It is also in the documentation directory and is called The version called qsim-nodoc.tar.Z is the same version; however, it does not include any documentation. If you are downloading QSIM to the MacIntosh you may want to obtain this version to reduce the time required to down load. The documentation can be obtained from a separate file called doc-qsim.tar.Z. Thank you for you interest in QSIM and other software distributed by this group. If you have any questions or comments please sent them to If you would like to report a QSIM bug, then send mail to