Article 12149 of comp.lang.lisp: Xref: comp.lang.lisp:12149 Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp Path:!!!!!!eso!!user From: (Hans-Martin Adorf) Subject: challenge: set partitions and power set Message-ID: Followup-To: comp.lang.lisp Sender: Organization: ST-ECF/ESO Date: Mon, 28 Feb 1994 13:27:19 +0100 Lines: 288 Dear LISPers, I need to compute all the partitions of a given set (i.e. all subdivisions of a given set into non-empty sets which cover the original set). Below I append my quick hack. It does the job; however, it is not very Lispish in style. The challenge consists in implementing the partitions function more elegantly, preferrably using recursion. As you see my code uses a function which generates the power set of a given set, a subproblem, for which an elegant (and efficient) solution is also seeked. I will summarize the solutions for partition and power-set offered to me. In case you are interested in the original problem that stimulated the partitions/power-set problem above: I am engaged in calculations for a planned astronomical hybrid interferometer within ESO's Very Large Telescope project on Mt. Paranal, Chile. If we will make use of any code forwarded to me, the author will be properly acknowledged in the planned scientific paper. Happy LISPing. Hans-Martin Adorf PS: Similar posting on comp.lang.lisp.mcl ----------------- Hans-Martin Adorf ST-ECF/ESO Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2 D-85748 Garching b. Muenchen Germany Tel: +49-89-32006-261 Fax: +49-89-32006-480 Internet: ================================================================================ ;;;; ;;;; partitions.lisp ;;;; ;;;; Compute the power-set and all partitions of an arbitrary set ;;;; ;;;; Hans-Martin Adorf, ST-ECF, 26-02-94 ;;;; (defvar *offset* 0 "offset value for generation of sets") (defvar *unique* nil "flag indicating whether only unique partitions should be returned") ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; The following code is an application of partitions to the computation of ;;; the triple correlation function of an astronomical hybrid interferometer. ;;; The idea is to generate Mathematica code which can further be evaluated ;;; in Mathematica. ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun to-file (file-name expr) (with-open-file (stream file-name :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (princ expr stream))) #| (to-file #P"HMA_PB_i80:test.math" (format-partitions (partitions '(\u \v \w \x \y \z)))) |# (defun format-partitions (partitions) "Format partitions for Lisp or Mathematica evaluation" (plus (mapcar #'format-partition partitions))) ;; (format-partitions (partitions '(\u \v \w))) ;; (format-partitions (partitions '(\u \v \w \x \y \z))) (defun format-partition (partition) (times (mapcar #'(lambda (set) (f (plus set))) partition))) ;; (format-partition '((a) (b c))) #| ;;; for Lisp evaluation (defun f (set) (list 'f set)) (defun plus (set) (if (< (length set) 2) set (cons '+ set))) (defun times (set) (if (< (length set) 2) set (cons '* set))) |# ;;; for Mathematica evaluation (defun f (set) (format nil "f[~a]" set)) ;; (f '(a b c)) ;; (f (plus '(a b c))) (defun plus (set) (if (< (length set) 2) (format nil "~{~a~}" set) (format nil "Plus[~{~a~^, ~}]" set))) ;; (plus '(u v)) (defun times (set) (if (< (length set) 2) (format nil "~{~a~}" set) (format nil "Times[~{~a~^, ~}]" set))) ;; (times '(u v w)) ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Compute partitions ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun partitions (set) "Compute all partitions of a general n-element set" (let ((result (cond ((null set) nil) ((= (length set) 1) (list (list set))) (t (partitions-aux (base-set set))) ))) (values result (length result)))) ;; (partitions '()) ;; (partitions '(u)) ;; (partitions '(u v)) ;; (partitions '(u v w)) ;; (partitions '(u v w x)) ;; (partitions '(u v w x y)) ;; (partitions '(u v w x y z)) (defun base-set (set) "Auxiliary function for partitions" (let* ((head (first set)) (tail (rest set)) (power-set (power-set tail)) (base-set (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (cons head x)) power-set))) (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (list x (set-complement x set))) base-set))) ;; (base-set '(a b c)) (defun partitions-aux (base-set) (mapcan #'(lambda (pair) (new-partitions (first pair) (partitions (second pair)))) base-set)) ;; (partitions '(a b c)) (defun new-partitions (head partitions) (if (null partitions) (list (list head)) (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (append (list head) x)) partitions))) #| ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; dead code; works, but unused ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun 2-set-partitions (n) "Generate all partitions of an n-element set (of intergers) into 2 subsets" (let ((result (mapcan #'(lambda (k) (k-partitions k n)) (if *unique* (integers 0 (ceiling (/ (1+ n) 2))) ; don't compute duplicates (integers 0 (1+ n)) )))) (values result (length result)))) ;; (2-set-partitions 2) ;; (setf *unique* nil) ;; (2-set-partitions 3) ;; (2-set-partitions 4) (defun k-partitions (k n) "Generate all partitions of an n-element set (of integers) into 2 subsets with k elements and n-k elements, respectively" (let* ((set (make-set n)) (result (if (zerop k) (list (list nil set)) (mapcar #'(lambda (subset) (list subset (set-complement subset set))) (k-subsets k n))))) ;; for a proper partion one must remove duplicates from the result (when (and *unique* (= n (* 2 k))) (setf result (half-seq result))) ; cut half (values result (length result)))) ;; (k-partitions 1 2) ;; (k-partitions 2 4) ;; (k-partitions 3 5) ;; (k-partitions 0 3) ;; (k-partitions 3 3) |# ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Compute power set ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun power-set (set) "Generate the power-set (i.e. the set of all subsets) for an arbitrary n-element set" (let* ((n (length set)) (*offset* 0) (power-set (power-set-n n)) ; generate power-set for integers (result (dotimes (i n power-set) (nsubst (elt set i) i power-set)))) ; replace integers by set-elements (values result (length result)))) ;; (power-set '(a b c d)) (defun power-set-n (n) "Generate the power-set (i.e. the set of all subsets) for an n-element set of integers" (let ((result (mapcan #'(lambda (k) (k-subsets k n)) (integers 0 (1+ n))))) (push nil result) ; the empty set is missing (values result (length result)))) ;; (power-set-n 2) ;; (setf *offset* 0) ;; (power-set-n 3) ;; (power-set-n 4) (defun k-subsets (k n &optional (subsets-so-far (append-elements nil n))) "Generate all k-element subsets for a set of n elements" (let ((result (if (= (length (first subsets-so-far)) k) subsets-so-far (k-subsets k n (mapcan #'(lambda (subset) (append-elements subset n)) subsets-so-far))))) (values result (length result)))) ;; (setf *offset* 1) ;; (k-subsets 0 3) ;; (k-subsets 1 3) ;; (k-subsets 2 3) ;; (k-subsets 3 3) ;; (k-subsets 4 7) ;; (k-subsets 2 3 '((0) (1) (2))) ;; (k-subsets 5 7 '((0 3 4) (0 3 5) (0 3 6))) (defun append-elements (subset n) "Append indices up to n + *offset* (exclusively) to a given subset of indices, e.g. for n + *offset* = 6: (1 3) -> ((1 3 4) (1 3 5))" (if (null subset) (mapcar #'list (make-set n)) ; return list of parenthesized integers (do ((i (1+ (last-elt subset)) (1+ i)) (nn (+ n *offset*)) (result)) ((= i nn) (reverse result)) (push (append subset (list i)) result)))) ;; (append-elements nil 5) ;; (append-elements '(1 3) 6) ;; (append-elements '(1 4) 4) ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Auxiliary functions ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun half-seq (seq) "Return the first half of a sequence, middle element inclusive" (subseq seq 0 (ceiling (/ (length seq) 2)))) ;; (half-seq '(1 2 3 4)) ;; (half-seq '(1 2 3 4 5)) (defun make-set (n) "Generate a set of integers" (integers *offset* (+ *offset* n))) (defun integers (m n) "Generate a list of integers in the range of m (inclusively) to n (exclusively)" (do ((i m (1+ i)) result) ((= i n) (reverse result)) (push i result))) ;; (integers 3 7) (defun set-complement (subset set) "MCL returns the reverse of the set-difference" (reverse (set-difference set subset))) ; revert result for aesthetical reasons ;; (set-complement '(a) '(a b c)) (defun last-elt (seq) (first (last seq))) Article 12152 of comp.lang.lisp: Xref: comp.lang.lisp:12152 Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp Path:!CARMEN.KBS.CS.CMU.EDU!valdes From: valdes+@CS.CMU.EDU (Raul Valdes-Perez) Subject: Re: challenge: set partitions and power set Message-ID: Sender: (Usenet News System) Nntp-Posting-Host: Organization: Carnegie Mellon University References: Date: Mon, 28 Feb 1994 15:09:02 GMT Lines: 47 In article , (Hans-Martin Adorf) writes: |> Dear LISPers, |> |> I need to compute all the partitions of a given set (i.e. all subdivisions |> of a given set into non-empty sets which cover the original set). Below I |> append my quick hack. It does the job; however, it is not very Lispish in |> style. |> |> The challenge consists in implementing the partitions function more |> elegantly, preferrably using recursion. As you see my code uses a function |> which generates the power set of a given set, a subproblem, for which an |> elegant (and efficient) solution is also seeked. [...] The two functions below do what you want. I've used power-set for a while myself, but I wrote the function for partitioning in reply to your post, so it could have an error not caught by my brief testing (I doubt it). Both make use of the (non-null) LOOP macro. ;;; finds all the partitions of the input , returning them ;;; in the obvious canonical format ;;; (defun part (set) (if (null set) (list nil) (loop for partition in (part (cdr set)) nconc (cons `((,(car set)) ,@partition) (loop for piece in partition for i from 0 collect (nconc `(,(cons (car set) piece)) (subseq partition 0 i) (subseq partition (1+ i))))))))) ;;; allow an optional stipulation of the maximum size of a resulting ;;; set in the power-set ;;; (defun power-set (set &optional (maxsize 10)) (if (null set) (list nil) (loop for entry in (power-set (cdr set) maxsize) collect entry when (< (length entry) maxsize) collect (cons (car set) entry)))) -- Raul Valdes-Perez ( -- Carnegie Mellon University Article 12159 of comp.lang.lisp: Xref: comp.lang.lisp:12159 Path:!!!MathWorks.Com!!!torn!utnut!utcsri!newsServ.csri!qobi Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp From: (Jeffrey Mark Siskind) Subject: Re: challenge: set partitions and power set Message-ID: Reply-To: Qobi@CS.Toronto.EDU Followup-To: comp.lang.lisp In-reply-to:'s message of Mon, 28 Feb 1994 13:27:19 +0100 Organization: Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto References: Date: 28 Feb 94 21:33:55 GMT Lines: 19 If you use Screamer (available by anonymous FTP from you can write: (defun a-subset-of (x) (if (null x) nil (let ((y (a-subset-of (rest x)))) (either (cons (first x) y) y)))) (defun power-set (x) (all-values (a-subset-of x))) (defun a-partition-of (x) (if (null x) x (let ((y (a-partition-of (rest x)))) (either (cons (list (first x)) y) (let ((z (a-member-of y))) (cons (cons (first x) z) (remove z y :test #'eq :count 1))))))) (defun set-of-all-partitions (x) (all-values (a-partition-of x))) Article 12172 of comp.lang.lisp: Xref: comp.lang.lisp:12172 Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp Path:!!!gatech!!!convex!convex!constellation!!mmcconn From: (Mark McConnell) Subject: Re: challenge: set partitions and power set Message-ID: Organization: /etc/organization References: Date: Thu, 3 Mar 1994 17:57:38 GMT Lines: 33 In article (Hans-Martin Adorf) writes: >Dear LISPers, > >I need to compute all the partitions of a given set (i.e. all subdivisions >of a given set into non-empty sets which cover the original set). >...As you see my code uses a function >which generates the power set of a given set, a subproblem, for which an >elegant (and efficient) solution is also seeked. To find the partitions, it is not necessary to find the whole power set. The partition problem has a very elegant recursive solution by itself. I see that another poster has given this solution, using the loop macro. The number of partitions of {1,...,n} is called Bell's number B_n. The B_n 's have many beautiful properties: B_{n+1} = sum( binomial(n,i) * B_i , i=0..n ) for n>0 The Taylor series for exp(exp(x)-1) is the sum for n=0..infinity of ( B_n / n! ) * x^n. (Set B_0 = 1.) If B_{n,k} is the number of partitions of {1,...,n} into exactly k pieces, then B_{n,k} is defined recursively by B_{n,k} = B_{n-1,k-1} + k*B_{n-1,k}. (Note that B_{n,1} = B_{n,n} = 1 for all n.) This is proved by the method underlying the solution mentioned in my first paragraph. Also, B_n is the number of rhyming schemes in a stanza of n lines. For more information, see the help file on bell in Maple (the source for much of what I've said), or a math encyclopedia. Article 12176 of comp.lang.lisp: Xref: comp.lang.lisp:12176 Path:!!!gatech!!!!!!!!!!!mod-serv!trenz From: trenz@mod-serv.NoSubdomain.NoDomain (Thomas Trenz) Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp Subject: Re: challenge: set partitions and power set Date: 4 Mar 1994 09:18:59 GMT Organization: DFKI - German Research Center for AI Lines: 61 Sender: trenz@mod-serv (Thomas Trenz) Distribution: world Message-ID: <2l6ue3$> NNTP-Posting-Host: K-PARTITIONS: The function k-partition enumerates k-partitions of a given set and calls for every partition a user defined function. The enumeration stops when the user defined function returns a non-nil value. The user defined function gets two parameters: 1. The partition as a list of lists (e.g. ((a b) (c) (d e f)) for a 3-partition of the set (a b c d e f)). 2. A list of additional arguments (optional). (Defun User-Defined (Partition Optional-Args) (Print Partition) nil) ; return value nil to continue enumeration (Defun K-Partition-Help (K Stack Partition Function Args) (If (And (>= (+ (Length Stack) (Length Partition)) K) (<= (Length Partition) K)) (If (Null Stack) (Progn (If (= (Length Partition) K) (Progn (Funcall Function Partition Args)))) (Let ((Element (Pop Stack)) (Temp-Partition Partition)) (Or (Progn (Push (List Element) Temp-Partition) (K-Partition-Help K Stack Temp-Partition Function Args)) (Some #'(Lambda (Set) (Setq Temp-Partition Partition) (Setq Temp-Partition (Remove Set Temp-Partition :Test #'Equal)) (Push (Union (List Element) Set) Temp-Partition) (K-Partition-Help K Stack Temp-Partition Function Args)) Partition)))))) ; Computes all k-partitions of a given set and ; calls for every k-partition a Function given by the parameter FUNCTION. ; The enumeration of partitions stops, when FUNCTION return a non-nil value. (Defun k-partition (Set K Function &Optional (ArgForFunction nil)) (K-Partition-Help K (Rest Set) (List (List (First Set))) Function ArgForFunction)) ; Demo call: (k-partition '(a b c d e f) 3 (function User-Defined)) Thomas Trenz mail: From Fri Mar 4 13:10:14 EST 1994 Article: 12181 of comp.lang.lisp Xref: comp.lang.lisp:12181 Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp Path:!rochester!udel!MathWorks.Com!!!!uunet!!eso!!user From: (Hans-Martin Adorf) Subject: Re: challenge: set partitions and power set Message-ID: Followup-To: comp.lang.lisp Sender: Organization: ST-ECF/ESO Date: Fri, 04 Mar 1994 15:01:57 +0100 Lines: 453 Dear Lispers, below is the promised collection of submissions to the power-set and set-partition problem. The file contains those submissions which I received in my personal mail account. Enjoy. Hans-Martin Adorf ST-ECF/ESO Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2 D-85748 Garching b. Muenchen Germany Tel: +49-89-32006-261 Fax: +49-89-32006-480 Internet: ;;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;;; set partition and power set - submissions to a request for Lisp code ;;;; ;;;; collected by ;;;; Hans-Martin Adorf ;;;; ST-ECF/ESO ;;;; Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2 ;;;; D-85748 Garching b. Muenchen ;;;; ;;;; ;;;; submissions ordered according to their local submission dates/times ;;;; ;;;;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Andrew Houghton ;;; ( ;;; 28-02-94 13:07 ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; POWER-SET ;; ;; Returns the power set of a list. ;; Arguments: ;; lst : a list ;; Result: ;; the power set of the passed list. This does not check sub-lists, so ;; lists within the top-level list will be treated as atomic elements ;; of the set. ;; ;; Method: Imagine a list, set, which ;; contains the symbols A and B. The power-set of set can be defined as ;; appending (first set) to each element of the power-set of (rest set), ;; then appending the resultant set to the power-set of (rest set). ;; So we call (power-set '(a b)).. which calls (power-set '(b)).. which ;; calls (power-set '()).. which returns (NIL). Now, b is appended to NIL ;; giving us (b), and (NIL) is appended, so it returns ((b) NIL). Now a is ;; appended to each element, giving us ((a b) (a)), which is appended to the ;; originally returned list, giving us ((a b) (a) (b) NIL). ;; original (defun ps (lst) (cond ((endp lst) '(nil)) (t (append (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (cons (first lst) x)) (ps (rest lst))) (ps (rest lst)))))) ;; slightly reworked syntactically (defun power-set (lst) (if (endp lst) '(nil) (let ((head (first lst)) (ps (power-set (rest lst)))) (append (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (cons head x)) ps) ps)))) #| (with-count (power-set '(a b c d e f))) |# ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Espen J. Vestre, ;;; Universitt des Saarlandes, ;;; Computerlinguistik, Gebude 17.2 ;;; Postfach 1150, tel. +49 (681) 302 4501 ;;; D-66041 SAARBRCKEN, Germany fax. +49 (681) 302 4351 ;;; 28-02-94 14:26; modification 01-03-94 16:14; power-set 02-03-94 ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; elegant, brief implementation (defun partitions (set) "Compute all partitions of a general n-element set" (if (= (length set) 1) (list (list set)) (let ((first-elem (first set)) (partitions-rest (partitions (rest set)))) (append (mapcar #'(lambda (partition) (cons (list first-elem) partition)) partitions-rest) (mapcan #'(lambda (partition) (mapcar #'(lambda (set) (subst (cons first-elem set) set partition)) partition)) partitions-rest))))) ;; faster, but less elegant implementation (defun partitions (set) "Compute all partitions of a general n-element set" (if (= (length set) 1) (list (list set)) (let ((first-elem (first set)) (partitions-rest (partitions (rest set)))) (append (mapcar #'(lambda (partition) (cons (list first-elem) partition)) partitions-rest) (mapcan #'(lambda (partition) (let ((before nil) (after (rest partition)) (new-partitions nil)) (mapc #'(lambda(set) (push (cons (cons first-elem set) (append before after)) new-partitions) (push set before) (setf after (rest after))) partition) new-partitions)) partitions-rest))))) #| (with-count (partitions '(a b c d e f))) |# (defun power-set (set) (sort (2^set (reverse set)) #'(lambda (x y) (< (length x) (length y))))) (defun 2^set (set) (let ((ps nil) (n (length set))) (dotimes (i (expt 2 n)) (let ((subset nil)) (dotimes (j n) (when (logbitp j i) (push (nth j set) subset))) (push subset ps))) ps)) |# (with-count (power-set '(a b c d e f))) (with-count (power-set '(a b c d e f g h i j k l))) (with-count (2^set '(a b c d e f))) |# ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Dominique Bernardi ;;; Theorie des nombres, Mathematiques ;;; Universite P. et M Curie 4 place Jussieu P-75005 Paris France ;;; ;;; 28-02-94 16:07; addition 03-03-94 15:50 ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun power-set (s) (if s (let ((a (car s)) (b (power-set (cdr s)))) (append (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (cons a x)) b) b)) '(()))) #| (with-count (power-set '(a b c d e f))) |# (defun part (s) (if s (let ((a (car s)) (b (part (cdr s)))) (append (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (cons (list a) x)) b) (mapcan #'(lambda (x) (amplify a x)) b))) '(()))) (defun amplify (x s) (if s (let ((a (car s)) (b (amplify x (cdr s)))) (cons (cons (cons x a) (cdr s)) (mapcar #'(lambda (y) (cons a y)) b))))) #| (with-count (part '(a b c d e f))) |# ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Tom Kramer ;;; ;;; 28-02-94 18:19 ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; original (defun powerset (liz) (cond ((null liz) (list nil)) (t (let ((bottom (powerset (cdr liz)))) (merge 'list (mapcar #'(lambda (subset) (cons (first liz) subset)) bottom) bottom #'(lambda (set1 set2) (> (length set1) (length set2)))))))) ;; slightly reworked syntactically (defun power-set (set) (if (null set) (list nil) (let ((bottom (power-set (cdr set)))) (merge 'list (mapcar #'(lambda (subset) (cons (first set) subset)) bottom) bottom #'(lambda (set1 set2) (> (length set1) (length set2))))))) #| (with-count (power-set '(a b c d e f))) |# ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Geert-Jan van Opdorp ;;; Computer/Law Institute ;;; Vrije Universiteit ;;; Amsterdam, The Netherlands ;;; ;;; 01-03-94 15:45 ;;; ;;; I think for efficiency it is safe to change the append into ;;; nconc, provided that you change the initial-value from ;;; '(()) into (list nil). ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun power-set (set) (reduce #'(lambda (result new-el) (append (mapcar #'(lambda (result-elem) (cons new-el result-elem)) result) result)) set :initial-value '(()) )) ;; (with-count (power-set '(a b c d e f))) ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Phil Chu ;;; Internet: ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------- (defun pset (new pset) "Adjust list of partitions to take into account new element." (if (null pset) (list (list (list new))) (let ((new-pset nil)) (dolist (set pset) (push (cons (list new) ;case 1: new element is singleton set set) new-pset) (dolist (s set) ;case 2: new element is member of some subset in a partition (push (subst (cons new s) s set) new-pset))) new-pset))) (defun make-pset (set) "Given a list of items, return all possible partitions, i.e. a list of list of lists." (let ((result nil)) (dolist (item set) (setq result (pset item result))) result)) (defun print-pset (set) "Given a list of items, print all the possible partitions" (dolist (item (make-pset set)) (print item))) ;;; e.g. (print-pset '(a b c d)) ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Pete Steggles ;;; ;;; 02-03-94 14:29 ;;; ;;; partition below does not compute all partitions of a set - hma ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Here is an implementation of powerset and partition which uses an ;;; `abstract data type' to represent sets. Is the order in which ;;; elements are produced important? If so, there probably aren't any ;;; good recursive definitions. If not, this is the easiest recursive ;;; definition I know. ;;; `Abstract Data Type' definition for sets ;;; We use a binary tree representation of sets so that the union ;;; operation is complexity O(1). Note that with this specific ;;; representation there is no empty set -- in general this would ;;; be another constructor. ;;; Number of cons cells required is 2*O(n) where n is the number ;;; of elements in the set. ;;; Constructor functions (defmacro set-elem (x) `(list 'set-elem ,x)) (defmacro set-union (x y) `(list 'set-union ,x ,y)) ;;; Predicate on sets -- does it have more than one element? (defmacro set-unionp (x) `(eq (car ,x) 'set-union)) ;;; Selector functions (defmacro get-lhs (x) `(cadr ,x)) (defmacro get-rhs (x) `(caddr ,x)) (defmacro get-set-elem (x) `(cadr ,x)) ;;; Set counterpart of `mapcar' (defun mapset (f x) (if (set-unionp x) (set-union (mapset f (get-lhs x)) (mapset f (get-rhs x))) (set-elem (funcall f (get-set-elem x))))) ;;; List the elements of a set from left to right (defun set2list (x xs) (if (set-unionp x) (set2list (get-lhs x) (set2list (get-rhs x) xs)) (cons (get-set-elem x) xs))) ;;; Make powerset, ensuring that the null set is the leftmost element ;;; of the powerset. ;;; ;;; Asymptotic Complexity (n is number of elements in argument): ;;; Time: O(2^n) (you can't do better than this) ;;; Space: O(n*(2^n)) (hard to do better and keep nil on the lhs) ;;; ;;; If space becomes a problem, a better approach is to lazily evaluate ;;; the powerset; but that is more work in Lisp. (defun powerset (xs) (if (null xs) (set-elem nil) (let ((ps (powerset (cdr xs)))) (set-union ps (mapset #'(lambda (x) (cons (car xs) x)) ps))))) ;;; Make powerset and convert it to a list -- the first element will ;;; be NIL (defun powerlist (xs) (set2list (powerset xs) nil)) ;;; Make the list of all partitions (partitions x = set2list(powerset x - {})) (defun partition (xs) (cdr (powerlist xs))) ;;; Alternatively, throw away your lisp system and use the lazy ;;; functional language Haskell, where ;;; ;;; powerset [] = [[]] ;;; powerset (x:xs) = ps ++ map (x :) ps where ps = powerset xs ;;; ;;; partition = tail . powerset ;;; ;;; Will do exactly the same job with lazy evaluation thrown in ! ;;; You might be interested to know that you can get public-domain ;;; (ie free) implementations of Haskell. #| (with-count (powerset '(a b c d e f))) (with-count (powerlist '(a b c d e f))) (with-count (partition '(a b c c d e f))) |# ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Tom Kramer ;;; ;;; 03-03-94 11:19 ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; all_partitions returns all partitions of a set liz into subsets. ; It concatenates all the partitions of liz with n subsets. (defun all_partitions (liz) (do* ((how_long (length liz)) (how_many how_long (1- how_many)) (answer (list (list liz)))) ((eq how_many 1) answer) (nconc answer (partition_into_n liz how_long how_many)))) ; partition_into_n returns all partitions of a set liz into how_many ; subsets. The length of liz must be equal to how_long. ; Let A be the first element of liz. ; Observe that all partitions of liz into how_many subsets may be ; divided into two groups: those partitions in which A appears by itself ; in a subset, and those partitions of in which A does not appear ; by itself. The function finds those two groups and concatenates them. ; The first group is formed by finding all the partitions of the rest ; of liz into (how_many minus 1) subsets and adding (A) to each such ; partition. ; The second group is formed by finding all the partitions of the rest ; of liz in how_many subsets and, for each partition P, creating how_many ; new partitions by sticking A into each subset of P, one at a time ; and concatenating the resulting partitions together. (defun partition_into_n (liz how_long how_many) (cond ((eq how_many 1) (list (list liz))) ((eq how_many how_long) (list (mapcar #'list liz))) (t (nconc (mapcar #'(lambda (partition) (cons (list (first liz)) partition)) (partition_into_n (rest liz) (1- how_long) (1- how_many))) (mapcan #'(lambda (partition) (fill_each_one partition (first liz))) (partition_into_n (rest liz) (1- how_long) how_many)))))) ; fill_each_one takes a partition and an item and returns a list of ; partitions. If the input partition has m sublists, a list of m partitions ; is returned. Each partition in the returned list is the same as the ; input partition, except that the item has been added to one of the ; sublists. ; example: (fill_each_one '((B C) (D)) 'A) => (((A B C) (D)) ((B C) (A D))) (defun fill_each_one (partition item) (do ((partition_list (mapcar #'(lambda (subset) (copy-tree partition)) partition)) (k (1- (length partition)) (1- k)) focus) ((minusp k) partition_list) (setq focus (nth k (nth k partition_list))) (rplacd focus (cons (first focus) (rest focus))) (rplaca focus item))) #| (with-count (all_partitions '(a b c d e f))) |# ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; An auxiliary output function ;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------- (defmacro with-count (expr) `(let ((result (time ,expr))) (values result (length result)))) (defmacro with-count (expr) `(let ((result (time ,expr))) (length result)))