About using the word pregnant

Pittsburgh Spanish Meetup Group


The information below is based on my experience as an interpreter and it is not set in stone.


This Saturday we had a brief discussion about different words we use to express when someone is expecting or is about to give birth. See the table below.

Spanish English Comment
avergonzada/o embarassed
embarazada pregnant
encinta pregnant
preñada pregnant Generally used for animals
dar a luz childbirth delivery
parir to give birth Generally used for animals
parto labor

Comment: I updated two entries from the table above to reflect the suggestions from a bilingual OBGYN.

  • Using the word preñada and/or the verb parir is usually meant for animals or as an insult.
  • It may be fine to use those words between expecting mothers or friends. However, avoid using them to be safe.
  • In some countries and in some socio-economic classes it is acceptable as well. Again, avoid using them to be safe.
  • Found this interesting article about this topic.
