Jul28201510AM Thesis Proposals Robotics Thesis Proposal with JENNIFER KING Gates&Hillman CentersTraffic 21 Classroom 6501
Jul2720152PM Thesis Proposals Robotics Thesis Proposal with MICHAEL SHOMIN NewellMauldin Auditorium 1305
Jul2720158:30AM Thesis Orals Robotics Thesis Defense with XINJILEFU Gates&Hillman CentersTraffic 21 Classroom 6501
Jul1320154PM Thesis Orals Robotics Thesis Defense with PRATEEK TANDON Newell-Simon HallMauldin Auditorium 1305
Jul1320151PM Thesis Orals Robotics Thesis Defense with DEBADEEPTA DEY Newell-Simon HallMauldin Auditorium 1305
Jul8201512PM Thesis Proposals Robotics Thesis Proposal with MATTHEW KLINGENSMITH Newell-Simon Hall3305
Jul2201511AM Thesis Orals Robotics Thesis Defense with NATASHA KHOLGADE BANERJEE Newell-Simon HallMauldin Auditorium 1305
Jun15201511AM Thesis Proposals Robotics Thesis Proposal with GREYDON TAYLOR FOIL Newell-Simon HallMauldin Auditorium 1305
May28201510:30AM Thesis Proposals Robotics Thesis Proposal with MICHAEL C. KOVAL Newell-Simon Hall3305