Stirling Boat

About the Stirling Boat
- This is a small toy boat with a Stirling engine that allows it to move through the water without any user input (batteries, fuel, etc.).
- It is based off a Stirling Cycle Engine that opereates on a temperature difference of two thermal resoviors, such as warm bathwater and cool air, or a cool lake and warm air.
- The cost of this toy may be high due to the tolerances necessary to make the stirling engine.
- It will be a rather safe toy since the stirling engineused here does not have much power. The most concerns about safety come from materials used.
- It would most likely be rather fragile, making it suitible for older children through college students, due to the nature of the Stirling Cycle Engine.
Toy Concepts:
1: Stirling Boat |
2: Visible Engine |
3: Rankine Car |
4: The Electrician
James Hresko
Carnegie Mellon University
January 25, 2010